Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art

Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

Digital illustration and layout of this collection was performed by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. Content, design, and illustrations not specifically credited to others are © 2016–2023 Matthew Simon Ryan Cavalletto. Illustrations with a named artist but no identified source work were contributed to this project by their creators, who retain the copyright. This book and those illustrations, unless specified, are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. No attribution is required for non-commercial heraldic or artistic use by participants in the SCA or other forms of amateur historic recreation. Use outside of amateur historical recreation, including commercial use, is allowed with appropriate credit, so long as you make the resulting work available under the same terms. Contact the editor for questions about other uses not explicitly covered here. Some individual item pages note that their contents are covered by a Non-Commercial CC license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). For commercial use of those items, contact the artists directly for permission.

Artist: Aine ingen Gilla Crist

Artist: Ajir Tsagaan

Artist: Albrecht Drurer

Artist: Alessandra Sartor

Artist: Alexandre Saint Pierre

Artist: Aliyah bat Azriel

Artist: Amy Eliot

Artist: Aurora Faw

Artist: `Aziza al-Shiraziyya

Artist: Bahja al-Azraq

Artist: Benji of Wyewood

Artist: Bróccín MacIvyr

Artist: Choi Min

Artist: Daya Speyerin

Artist: Di Amador

Artist: Drystan ap Ercwlff

Artist: Elionora inghean Ui Cheallaigh

Artist: Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle

Artist: Elspeth Farre

Artist: Estelle de la Mer

Artist: Fenneke Jans

Artist: Forveleth Dunde

Artist: Frans Franken the Younger

Artist: Geffroi Tastykake

Artist: Gian Antonio da Tradate

Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr

Artist: Gwenyvere Rose Foxe

Artist: Helena De Argentoune

Artist: Hu Zhen

Artist: Iago ab Adam

Artist: Janek Divočák

Artist: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe

Artist: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe. Default posture: close guardant. Proper coloration: brown

Artist: Jon Chesey

Artist: K.C. Wilson

Artist: Kitta Refr

Artist: Kolosvari Arpadne Julia

Artist: Kryss Kostarev

Artist: Li Xia

Artist: Lily Morgaine

Artist: Maggie Wryght

Artist: Malyss Makneile

Artist: Maryan Hoskyns

Artist: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Artist: Muirenn ingen Dunadaig

Artist: Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon

Artist: Máel Brigte

Artist: Nest verch Gwilim

Artist: Niccolo da Palermo

Artist: Owen Tegg

Artist: Poznaniak

Artist: Ræv Kolfinnsson

Artist: Ragna stórráða Úlfsdóttir

Artist: Rhian C. Preston

Artist: Roana d’Evreux

Artist: Sadhbh Bheag

Artist: Saewynn aet Cnolle

Artist: Stephanie Fahey

Artist: Séamus Uí Chonchobhair

Artist: Tali Essen of the Isles

Artist: Tancorix inigena Bivaidonas

Artist: Thomas Eynsham

Artist: Thomas Ouswood

Artist: Thora Brandsdottir

Artist: Þórý Veðardóttir

Artist: Tibor the Indecisive

Artist: Torric inn Björn

Artist: unless owl is blazoned as a type with distinctive coloration (e.g. a “snowy owl proper”

Artist: Ursula Messerschmitt

Artist: Valentine Ambrose

Artist: Volusia Zoe

Artist: Vémundr Syvursson

Artist: Waḫrii ̯ a of St Christina the Astonishing

Artist: Waḫriia̯ of St Christina the Astonishing

Artist: Wylet Fraser

Artist: Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah