13 Entries • Display: Details | Items
Winnowing Basket §
A hand-held breeze-maker used to separate grains of wheat from their accompanying chaff.
Default orientation: handle to chief. No proper coloration.
Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (Page 323.)
Winnowing Fan (1) §
A hand-held breeze-maker used to separate grains of wheat from their accompanying chaff.
Default orientation: handle to chief. No proper coloration.
Adapted from the arms of de Septvans, as recorded in a 14th C. monumental brass in Chartham, Kent.
Winnowing Fan (2) §
A hand-held breeze-maker used to separate grains of wheat from their accompanying chaff.
Default orientation: handle to chief. No proper coloration.
Source: English Arms A. Artist unknown. (Page 195.)
Winnowing Fan (3) §
A hand-held breeze-maker used to separate grains of wheat from their accompanying chaff.
Default orientation: handle to chief. No proper coloration.
Feather Fan (1) §
A means of creating a cooling breeze.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Neustifter Wappenbuch. (Page 56.) Artist: Vigil Raber. Adapted by Máel Brigte.
Feather Fan (2) §
A means of creating a cooling breeze.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Kenmon Shokamon. Artist unknown. (Page 40.)
Feather Fan (3) §
A means of creating a cooling breeze.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Codex Mendoza. (Folio 68r.) Artist unknown. Adapted by Máel Brigte.
Folding Fan (1) §
A means of creating a cooling breeze.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist: Unknown.
Folding Fan (2) §
A hand-held breeze-maker.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Folding Fan (3) §
A hand-held breeze-maker.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Kenmon Shokamon. Artist unknown. (Page 13.) Adapted by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.
Folding Fan (4) §
A hand-held breeze-maker.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Kenmon Shokamon. Artist unknown. (Page 39.)
Folding Fan (5) §
A hand-held breeze-maker.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Kenmon Shokamon. Artist unknown. (Page 39.)
Folding Fan (6) §
A hand-held breeze-maker.
Default orientation: handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Kenmon Shokamon. Artist unknown. (Page 39.) Adapted by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.