Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


See also: Goat in Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry.

A wild mountainous cousin of the sheep.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Goat Clymant (1) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Artist: Graham Johnston.

Goat Clymant (2) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Goat Clymant (3) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Goat Clymant (4) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Aegidius Tschudi's Armorial. Artist unknown. Adapted by Iago ab Adam.

Goat Clymant (5) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Stemmario Trivulziano. Artist: Gian Antonio da Tradate. (Arms of di Capris, page 96.)

Goat Clymant (6) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Priorista di Giuliano de' Ricci. Artist unknown. (Vol. I, folio 57v, arms of Borgo.)

Goat Clymant (7) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.

Goat Courant §

Source: Banners, Standards, and Badges. Artist: Thomas Willement. (Page 226, arms of William Russell.)

Goat Salient (1) §

The term “clymant” is used for goats in a rampant posture.

Source: Banners, Standards, and Badges. Artist: Thomas Willement.

Goat Salient (2) §

Source: Wellcome Collection. Artist: Abraham de Bruyn. (From an engraving circa 1570.)

Goat Statant (1) §

Source: Bellenville Armorial. Artist unknown. (Folio 7v.)

Demi-Goat Issuant from a Snail Shell §

Goat's Head Couped (1) §

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Goat's Head Couped (3) §

Long-necked depictions of animal heads are found in some German armorials.

Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist unknown.

Goat's Head Couped (4) §

Source: BnF MS Allemand 304. Artist unknown. (Folio 317r.)

Goat's Head Erased (2) §

Long-necked depictions of animal heads are found in some German armorials.

This depiction might be considered poor style as it should have larger jags in order to meet the current recommendations for erasing.

Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist unknown.