Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


Rogacina Issuant From A Cauldron §

A symbol found in Polish heraldry. Default orientation: point to chief.

Source: Le Grand Armorial Équestre de la Toison d'Or. Artist unknown. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Cauldron (2) §

A large round cooking pot.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist unknown. (From the arms of Pfersee.)

Cauldron (3) §

A large round cooking pot.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Cauldron (4) §

A large round cooking pot with a semi-circular handle.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Cauldron (5) §

A large round cooking pot with a semi-circular handle.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Insignia Lucensium, Senensium, Pisanorum. Artist unknown. (Arms of Pavioli, folio 154r.)

Cauldron (6) §

A large round cooking pot with a semi-circular handle.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Nobleza del Andaluzia. Artist unknown. (Arms of Gaona, folio 70.)

Cauldron (7) §

A large round cooking pot with a semi-circular handle. Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. Adapted by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.

Cauldron (8) §

A large round cooking pot with a semi-circular handle.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.

Cauldron Hanging From a Tripod §

A large round cooking pot with a stand to suspend it over a fire.

Source: Heraldic Templates. Artist: Torric inn Björn.