57 Entries • Display: Details | Items • Item Shape: Device | Badge | Lozenge | Round | Heart
Cross (1) §
Central ordinary. The width of each arm is typically a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower. This is a thick cross. Should be centered on the fess line.
Cross (2) §
Central ordinary. The width of each arm is typically a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower. This is a medium cross. Should be centered on the fess line.
Cross (3) §
Central ordinary. The width of each arm is typically a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower. This is a very thin cross. Should be centered on the fess line.
Cross Couped (1) §
A couped cross, or a bar and a pale conjoined that do not reach the edges of the field.
Use of a cross gules on an argent field is restricted for conflict with the Red Cross.
Cross Couped (2) §
A couped cross, or a bar and a pale conjoined that do not reach the edges of the field.
Use of a cross gules on an argent field is restricted for conflict with the Red Cross.
Cross Couped (3) §
A couped cross, or a bar and a pale conjoined that do not reach the edges of the field.
Source: English Arms A. Artist unknown. (Page 89.)
Cross Degraded §
Central ordinary.
Source: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry. Artist: James or Irene Parker. (Arms of Wyntworth.)
Cross Engrailed (1) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Powell Roll. Artist unknown. (Folio 3r, arms of Ufford.)
Cross Engrailed (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Manchester University English MS 15. Artist unknown. (Folio 22v.)
Cross Formy Throughout (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: KBR MS II 6616. (Folio 36r.) Artist unknown. (Arms of Antoon Ruebs.)
Cross Fusilly §
Central ordinary.
Source: Armorial de Gelre. Artist: Claes Heinenzoon. (Page 221.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Cross Nowy §
Central ordinary. A cross with a circular protrusion in the center.
Considered a step from core practice (SFCP).
Cross Nowyed Degraded Fitchy §
Central ordinary.
Source: The Accedence of Armorie. (Folio 74r.) Artist unknown.
Cross Portate §
Central ordinary.
If it leans in the other direction, blazoned “a cross portate reversed.”
Cross Quadrate §
Central ordinary. A cross with a square protrusion in the center.
Considered a step from core practice (SFCP).
Cross Quarter-Pierced (1) §
Central ordinary. A cross with its center removed.
In period this might be considered a field division blazoned
“party of nine,” but in SCA usage this is viewed as an ordinary with a hole in its center, and thus considered a charge.
Cross Quarter-Pierced (2) §
Central ordinary. A cross with its center removed.
Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (Page 197.)
Cross Quarter-Pierced of Another Tincture §
Central ordinary. A cross with its center removed.
Source: Armas de los Cavalleros de Veneçia. Artist unknown. (Folio 97r.)
Cross Raguly (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Commonplace Book of Heraldry. (Folio 48v.) Artist: Jean Faucket. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Cross Triply Parted and Fretted §
Central ordinary. A cross which has been split into interlaced strips.
Cross Interlaced with an Annulet §
Central ordinary and surrounding charge.
Source: Encyclopædia Heraldica. (Volume 3, plate XXXV.) Artist unknown.
Cross Couped and Pierced §
A cross with arms cut and a whole punched in its middle.
Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Source: Encyclopædia Heraldica. (Volume 3, plate XXX.) Artist unknown.
Cross Fourchetty §
A cross with forked and curved ends.
Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Source: Vocabulaire-Atlas Héraldique. Artist unknown. (Illustration 210.)
Cross Gringoly §
A cross with snakes issuant from each arm.
Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Source: A System of Heraldry. Artist unknown. (Page 113.)
Cross Lozenged §
A cross with lozenges on the end of each arm. Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Source: Insignia Equitum Gallici Ordinis Sancti Michaelis. Artist unknown. (Folio 137r.)
Cross Potent Throughout §
A cross with flattened ends.
Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Cross Potent Throughout Interlaced with an Annulet §
A cross with flattened ends.
Default orientation: crosswise. No proper coloration.
Cross of Five Hearts Conjoined Points to Center §
A symbolic version of the human heart.
Default posture: point to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Insignia Urbium Italiae Septentrionalis. Artist unknown. (Folio 14r.)
Cross Of Chain §
An ordinary formed of chain links.
Source: Insignia Urbium Italiae Septentrionalis. Artist: Unknown. (Found as a saltire in the arms of de Gayano.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.