Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


See also: Hat in Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry.

Man's Head Couped Maintaining a Hat (1) §

A man’s head.

Default posture: facing dexter. Proper coloration: only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Sammlung von Wappen aus Verschiedenen. Artist unknown. (Page 582.)

Man's Head Couped Maintaining a Hat (2) §

A man’s head.

Default posture: facing dexter. Proper coloration: only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Insignia Anglica. Artist unknown. Adapted by Forveleth Dunde.

Man's Head Wearing a Hat Issuant from Base §


A man’s head.

Default posture: facing dexter. Proper coloration: only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. Adapted by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.

Hat §

A covering for the head.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. Adapted by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.

Jew's Hat (1) §

One of several distinctive pointy hats worn by Jews in some areas of medieval Europe.

Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.

Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist: Unknown. (From the arms of Judmann von Affecking.)

Jew's Hat (2) §

One of several distinctive pointy hats worn by Jews in some areas of medieval Europe.

Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.

Artist: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Jew's Hat (3) §

One of several distinctive pointy hats worn by Jews in some areas of medieval Europe.

Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.

Source: De Ministrerio Armorum. (Arms of Albertus Iudman) Artist unknown.

Jew's Hat (4) §

One of several distinctive pointy hats worn by Jews in some areas of medieval Europe.

Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.

Source: Zurich Roll. Artist unknown. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Jew's Hat (5) §

One of several distinctive pointy hats worn by Jews in some areas of medieval Europe.

Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.

Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (Folio 17r.)

Slovene Hat §

A covering for the head.

Default orientation: upright. No proper coloration.

(From the arms of Windic March.)

Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.

Sugar-loaf Hat §

A tall hat with a brim popular in England at the end of the sixteenth century.

Default orientation: brim to base. No proper coloration.