6 Entries • Display: Details | Items
Crab (1) §
A pinchy crustacean.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.
Crab (2) §
A pinchy crustacean.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.
Crab (3) §
A pinchy crustacean.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 87.)
Crab (4) §
A pinchy crustacean.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Source: Oscott Psalter. Artist unknown. Adapted by Waḫriia̯ of St Christina the Astonishing.
Crab Statant §
A pinchy crustacean.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Although found in a heraldic treatise, this depiction might be considered poor style due to trian aspect.
Source: The Deidis of Armorie. Artist: Adam Loutfut. (Folio 34r.) Adapted by Saewynn aet Cnolle.
Horseshoe Crab §
A crustacean with a flat shell hiding its legs.
Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.
Adapted from a 1617 oil painting "The Cabinet of a Collector." Artist: Frans Franken the Younger. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.