30 Entries • Display: Details | Items • Item Shape: Device | Badge | Lozenge | Round | Heart
Chief and a Saltire §
When a chief is combined with a charge throughout, the other charge shifts downwards.
Source: Fenwick Roll. Artist unknown. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire (1) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower. This a thick saltire.
Sometimes blazoned a “St. Andrew’s cross.”
Saltire (2) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower. This a thin saltire.
Sometimes blazoned a “St. Andrew’s cross.”
Saltire Dancetty §
Central ordinary.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire Dovetailed §
Central ordinary.
Source: A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Artist: Graham Johnston.
Saltire Engrailed (1) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Walters Ms. W.847. Artist unknown. (Arms of Geffray Batotort, folio 10r.)
Saltire Engrailed (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Grand Armorial Colorié. Artist unknown. (Folio 265r.)
Saltire Engrailed (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire Fimbriated (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Armorial Bearings of the Trading Companies and Lord Mayors of London. Artist unknown.
Saltire Nowy §
Central ordinary. A saltire with a circular protrusion in the center.
Considered a step from core practice (SFCP).
Saltire Parted §
Central ordinary.
Source: A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Artist: Graham Johnston. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire Parted and Fretted §
Central ordinary.
Source: A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Artist: Graham Johnston.
Saltire Parted and Voided §
Central ordinary.
Source: Priorista di Giuliano de' Ricci. Artist unknown. (Vol. I, folio 58r, arms of Ruffoli.)
Saltire Quadrate §
Central ordinary. A saltire with a square protrusion in the center.
Considered a step from core practice (SFCP).
Saltire Raguly (1) §
Central ordinary.
Also called the "Burgundy cross" and used by the modern Spanish Carlists.
Saltire Raguly (2) §
Central ordinary.
Also called the "Burgundy cross" and used by the modern Spanish Carlists.
Source: Ehrenspiegel des Hauses Österreich. Artist unknown. (Page 579.)
Saltire Flory §
A saltire with flared ends resembling fleurs de lys.
Default orientation: saltirewise. No proper coloration.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire Moline §
A saltire with flared ends.
Default orientation: saltirewise. No proper coloration.
Source: BnF MS Allemand 304. Artist unknown. (Page 761.)
Saltire Couped Parted and Fretted Within an Annulet §
A fret within a ring.
Source: Pennsic 50 Art Tent. Artist: Sugawara Takamasa.
Saltire Of Chain (1) §
An ordinary formed of chain links.
Source: Insignia Urbium Italiae Septentrionalis. Artist: Unknown. (Found in the arms of de Gayano.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Saltire Of Chain (2) §
An ordinary formed of chain links.
Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 133.)