Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art is a compilation of armorial illustrations intended to facilitate SCA device and badge design.

There are currently 6,188 illustrations grouped under 1,190 headings, as well as 308 supplemental images in appendices, and more are being added on a regular basis.

Disclaimer: This website is a personal project of Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, and is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism. This site is not an authoritative source for the policies of the SCA's College of Arms, and the presence of an illustration here does not guarantee its registrability.

Compendia: Visual Catalog (400 pages, 124MB PDF), Combined PDFs by Volume
Image Files: High-res PNGs (1,122MB Zip), Vector SVGs (148MB Zip), Vector PDFs (165MB Zip)

Concise Index

Complex Lines: All, Crusilly, Dovetailed, Embattled, Engrailed, Flory, Indented, Invected, Nebuly, Offset, Ployé, Potenty, Raguly, Rayonny, Trefly, Urdy, Wavy

Fields: All, Billety, Ermine, Estencelly, Fretty, Goutty, Grillage, Kürsch, Mailly, Masculy, Masoned, Mullety, Papellony, Plain, Plumetty, Potent, Scaly, Semy, Vair

Field Divisions: All, Barry, Beasts-Cut, Bendy, Chapé, Chaussé, Checky, Chevronelly, Gyronny, Lozengy, Orly, Paly, Party Of Six, Per Bend, Per Chevron, Per Fess, Per Pale, Per Pall, Per Saltire, Pily, Quarterly, Vêtu, Xicalcoliuhqui Chimalli

Ordinaries: All, Bar, Base, Baton, Bend, Bendlet, Bordure, Canton, Chevron, Chevronel, Chief, Chief-Pale, Cross, Dance, Fess, Flaunch, Gore, Gusset, Gyron, Orle, Pale, Pall, Pallet, Pile, Point, Saltire, Saltorel, Scarpe, Shakefork, Tierce, Tressure

Modifiers: Compony, Cotised, Fimbriated, Fretted, Interlaced, Nowy, Parted, Voided

Shapes & Symbols: All, Ankh, Annulet, Billet, Card-Pique, Cartouche, Chi-Rho, Cinquefoil (Shape), Compass Rose, Compass Star, Cornice, Crampon, Cross (Charge), Delf, Ermine Spot, Escarbuncle, Escutcheon, Fret, Fylfot, Heart, Hexagon, Icosahedron, Knot, Label, Labyrinth, Lauburu, Lozenge, Mandorla, Mascle, Masculyn, Mitsutomoe, Mullet, Nailpuller, Polygon, Quatrefoil (Shape), Rogacina, Roundel, Rustre, Schnecke, Snowflake, Spiral, Spur-Rowel, Star of David, Tortoise-Shell Plate, Triangle, Triquetra, Triskele, Triskelion, T’ai-chi, Umebachi, Vair Bell, Valknut, Vires, Well Frame, Wolf's Teeth

The World & Heavens: All, Cloud, Comet, Crescent, Estoile, Flame, Flint, Goutte, Gurges, Lightning, Mistral, Moon, Mount, Mountain, Rainbow, Ray, Rock Face, Stone, Stream, Sun, Sunburst, Terrestrial Sphere, Thunderbolt, Wind, Zephyr

Plants: All, Acanthus, Acorn, Almond, Aloe Vera, Ananas, Angemme, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Bamboo, Banana, Bean, Beech, Belladona, Berry, Birch, Blackberry, Borage, Branch, Broom, Bush, Cabbage, Cacao, Cactus, Carrot, Cattail, Chaplet, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Cinquefoil, Citron, Clove, Cob, Columbine, Coral, Créquier, Cucumber, Daffodil, Daisy, Dandelion, Dogwood, Ear, Eggplant, Eidelweiss, Elder, Elderflower, Fig, Firewood, Flax, Fleur de Lys, Flower, Foil, Forget-Me-Not, Foxglove, Garb, Garlic, Gentian, Geranium, Gillyflower, Ginger, Ginkgo, Gourd, Grape, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Hemp, Holly, Hop, Hurst, Ivy, Jasmine, Juniper, Lady's Mantle, Laurel, Lavender, Leaf, Leek, Lemon, Lettuce, Lilac, Lily, Linden, Lotus, Magnolia, Maize, Mallow, Mandrake, Maple, Marigold, Millet, Mistletoe, Mulberry, Mushroom, Nadeshiko, Nesselblatt, Nettle, Nopal, Nut, Oak, Octofoil, Olive, Onion, Orange, Palm, Pansy, Pea, Pear, Peony, Pepper, Pine, Pineapple, Plane, Pomegranate, Poplar, Poppy, Potato, Pumpkin, Quatrefoil, Quince, Radish, Rose, Rowan, Rue, Seeblatt, Sexfoil, Shamrock, Sheaf, Slip, Sprig, Stalk, Star-of-Bethlehem, Strawberry, Sunflower, Tabacco, Teazel, Thistle, Thorn, Tree, Trefoil, Trillium, Tulip, Turnip, Vegetable Lamb, Vine, Violet, Walnut, Wheat, Willow, Wood Sorrel, Wreath

Invertebrates: All, Ant, Bee, Beetle, Butterfly, Cicada, Claw, Crab, Crayfish, Cricket, Dragonfly, Grasshopper, Ladybird, Lobster, Mantis, Moth, Prawn, Scorpion, Slug, Snail, Spider, Spiderweb, Stag Beetle, Wasp

Fishes: All, Barbel, Calamarie, Carp, Catfish, Chabot, Cuttlefish, Dolphin, Eel, Escallop, Fish, Goldfish, Kraken, Lamprey, Lucy, Manatee, Monkfish, Murex, Narwhal, Nautilus, Octopus, Polypus, Salmon, Sea-Bear, Sea-Boar, Sea-Dog, Sea-Dragon, Sea-Fox, Sea-Goat, Sea-Horse, Sea-Lion, Sea-Monster, Sea-Otter, Sea-Serpent, Sea-Tortoise, Sea-Wolf, Seal, Shark, Shell, Shrimp, Skate, Squid, Stockfish, Trout, Turbot, Walrus, Whale, Whelk, Zydrach

Reptiles: All, Amphisbaena, Basilisk, Caduceus, Caldera Gringolada, Chameleon, Cockatrice, Crocodile, Dragon, Frog, Hydra, Lizard, Pithon, Rod of Asclepius, Salamander, Serpent, Snake, Toad, Tortoise, Wyvern

Birds: All, Alerion, Auk, Bat, Bird, Chough, Cock, Cormorant, Coxcomb, Crane, Crow, Dove, Duck, Eagle, Egg, Falcon, Feather, Firebird, Flamingo, Goose, Hawk, Hen, Heron, Hummingbird, Lure, Magpie, Martlet, Merlette, Moorcock, Ostrich, Owl, Panache, Peacock, Pelican, Penguin, Pheasant, Phoenix, Pigeon, Poppinjay, Porphyrio, Puffin, Raven, Reremouse, Robin, Simurgh, Stork, Swallow, Swan, Titmouse, Turkeycock, Vol, Wing, Wood Cock

Beasts: All, Allocamelus, Alphyn, Anteater, Antelope, Armadillo, Ass, Badger, Bagwyn, Bear, Beaver, Bison, Boar, Bog Beast, Boreyne, Buffalo, Bull, Calygreyhound, Camel, Cameleopard, Capybara, Caretyne, Chatloup, Chimera, Coney, Doe, Dog, Domestic Cat, Elephant, Elk, Enfield, Fang, Fleece, Fox, Genet, Giraffe, Goat, Gorilla, Griffin, Guinea Pig, Hare, Hedgehog, Hippogriff, Hippopotamus, Horn, Horse, Hyena, Ibex, Jaguar, Jerboa, Keythong, Lamb, Leopard, Lion, Lion-Dragon, Llama, Lynx, Mole, Monkey, Moose, Mouse, Musimon, Opossum, Otter, Ounce, Pantheon, Panther, Pawprint, Pegasus, Porcupine, Qilin, Rabbit, Racoon, Ram, Rat, Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Sheep, Shrew, Skunk, Sow, Squirrel, Stag, Stoat, Tiger, Tyger, Unicorn, Wildcat, Wolf, Wolverine, Yale, Ziz

Body Parts: Arm, Attire, Beard, Body, Bone, Eye, Foot, Hand, Head, Leg, Mask, Massacre, Skeleton, Skull, Tail, Testicles, Tongue, Tooth, Trunk, Tusk

Postures: Close, Couchant, Courant, Displayed, Erect, Glissant, Haurient, Involved, Migrant, Naiant, Passant, Rampant, Rising, Salient, Sejant, Statant, Striking, Tergiant, Volant

People: All, Angel, Breast, Centaur, Cherub, Child, Crucifix, Dextrochère, Fist, Fool, Footprint, Frauenadler, Gorgon, Harpy, Hercules, Human, Infant, Janus, Jawbone, Knight, Lamia, Man, Manticore, Melusine, Mermaid, Merman, Minotaur, Monk, Moor, Moustache, Mouth, Saracen, Satyr, Savage, Seraph, Siren, Sphinx, Tress, Triton, Troll, Viking, Werewolf, Woman, Wound

Food: All, Amphora, Barrel, Beaker, Bottle, Bowl, Bread, Cauldron, Chalice, Cheese, Churn, Cleaver, Cornucopia, Costrel, Cup, Drinking Horn, Flask, Flesh Hook, Fleshpot, Fork, Funnel, Goblet, Grater, Gridiron, Ham, Kettle, Kettle Hook, Knife, Ladle, Mash Rake, Meat, Mortar, Oven, Pan, Peel, Pestle, Pie, Pitcher, Platter, Pot, Pretzel, Rail, Salt Barrel, Saltcellar, Sausage, Scoop, Sieve, Skimmer, Spit, Spoon, Tankard, Trammel Hook, Tripod, Trivet, Weinleiter

Clothing: All, Angles, Bag, Belt, Bobbin, Boot, Breeches, Broach, Brogue, Brooch, Brush, Buckle, Button, Bycocket, Cap, Cloth, Coif, Collar, Comb, Crancelin, Crown, Distaff, Eyeglasses, Fillet, Garter, Glove, Hair Pin, Hat, Heckle, Hempbreak, Hood, Hose, Ice Skate, Joscelyn, Lucet, Mantle, Maunch, Mirror, Mitre, Mitten, Needle, Niddy-Noddy, Paternoster, Patten, Peruke, Pouch, Pressing Iron, Quill, Ring, Sandal, Scarf, Scissors, Scrip, Shears, Shoe, Shuttle, Sole, Spindle, Spool, Tabard, Tablet, Tassel, Thimble, Thread, Torc, Torse, Tunic, Veil, Wool Card, Wool Comb, Yarn, Yarn Swift

Tools: All, Adze, Anvil, Auger, Awl, Axe, Axe Head, Balance, Bellows, Block Plane, Board, Calipers, Chisel, Compass, Drawknife, Drill, Float, Grindstone, Grozing Iron, Hammer, Hod, Ladder, Level, Mallet, Nail, Pick, Pliers, Plummet, Punch, Punner, Rasp, Royne, Saw, Shave, Shavehook, Soldering Iron, Square, Staple, Strike, Tackle Block, Tenterhook, Tongs, Trowel, Weight, Whetstone, Winde

Buildings: All, Altar, Andiron, Anille, Arch, Baldaquin, Bascule, Bathtub, Battlements, Beacon, Boardwalk, Brazier, Bridge, Castle, Chair, Chest, Church, City, Column, Cresset, Dolmen, Door, Door Bolt, Drawbridge, Fence, Fireplace, Fountain, Fountain Spout, House, Keystone, Lighthouse, Lock Plate, Obelisk, Park Pales, Pavilion, Portcullis, Pylon, Pyramid, Quoin, Sepulcher Stone, Siege Tower, Staircase, Stool, Table, Table-Trestle, Torii, Tower, Truss, Wall, Watchtower, Well, Windmill, Window, Zule

Arts & Sciences: All, Abacus, Apothecary Jar, Ark, Armillary Sphere, Aspergillum, Aspersorium, Astrolabe, Athanor, Bagpipe, Bauble, Bell, Book, Bowling Pin, Caligraphy Knife, Censer, Chess Piece, Clarion, Cornetto, Cow-Bell, Crozier, Cupping Glass, Dice, Domino, Drum, Drumstick, Dulcimer, Escroll, Fleam, Flute, Frame, Game Board, Golf Club, Harp, Hautboy, Hobbyhorse, Hurdy-Gurdy, Inkhorn, Lancet, Lute, Lyre, Mjolnir, Mosaic Tablets, Mouth Harp, Musical Clef, Musical Note, Ombrellino, Organ Pipe, Paintbrush, Palette, Panpipe, Pen, Penbox, Penner, Polo Stick, Press, Psaltery, Quadrant, Rackett, Recorder, Retort, Scroll, Shofar, Spatula, Stilts, Tambourine, Thyrsus, Trumpet, Umbrella, Urinal, Vielle, Viol, Violin, Whirligig, Writ, Zill, Zither

Farming: All, Bag of Madder, Barnacles, Beehive, Bridle, Bucket, Carriage Frame, Clog, Coulter, Crook, Dovecote, Fan, Fer-a-loup, Fetterlock, Flail, Gate, Hames, Harrow, Hay House, Hayfork, Hide, Hoe, Horseshoe, Hound Couple, Hunting Horn, Mattock, Mill, Mill Wheel, Millrind, Millstone, Pitchfork, Plow, Plowshare, Pommel, Pruning Hook, Pruning Knife, Rake, Rastrillo, Rope, Saddle, Scythe, Shovel, Sickle, Snaffle-Bit, Spade, Spur, Stirrup, Tub, Turning Cratch, Wagon, Wool-Pack, Yoke

Ships & Fishing: All, Anchor, Boat, Caravel, Coracle, Crow's Nest, Drakkar, Eel Basket, Eel-Fork, Fishhook, Gondola, Grappling Iron, Harpoon, Hulk, Lymphad, Mariner's Compass, Mast, Oar, Oarlock, Rowboat, Rudder, Sail, Salmon Spear, Trident, Trireme, Whistle

Military: All, Armor Stand, Arrow, Arrowhead, Artillery Ladle, Artillery Sponge, Battering Ram, Battle Axe, Billhook, Bird-Blunt, Bow, Bracer, Breastplate, Broad-arrow, Caltrop, Camail, Cannon, Catapult, Chaine Shot, Chamber, Chamfron, Club, Crampet, Cranequin, Cronel, Crossbow, Cuisse, Cutlass, Dagger, Dart, Elbow Guard, Falchion, Fasces, Fauchard, Fireball, Fletching, Gauntlet, Gibbet, Glaive, Goats Foot Lever, Grenade, Gun Flask, Halberd, Handgun, Handgun Rest, Helm, Kettle Helm, Lance, Linstock, Mace, Mail, Morion, Morningstar, Partisan, Pauldron, Pennon, Pheon, Pole Axe, Pole-Cannon, Polearm, Quintain, Quiver, Rapier, Rocket, Scabbard, Scaling Ladder, Scimitar, Scourge, Shield, Shirt, Sling, Slingstaff, Solleret, Spanning Hook, Spanning Iron, Spear, Streitgabelklinge, Sword, Truncheon, War Hammer, War Wagon, War-Scythe, Zulfikar

Assorted Objects: All, Axle, Axle Pin, Baby Walker, Banner, Basket, Besom, Bezel-Set Gemstone, Candelabrum, Candle, Candlestick, Catherine Wheel, Chain, Cog-Wheel, Cushion, Feather Fan, Felloe, Firebrand, Furison, Gemstone, Gonfalon, Hook, Hourglass, Key, Lamp, Lantern, Menorah, Money Box, Orb, Padlock, Pavon, Phial, Razor, Rod, Scepter, Shackle, Sledge, Smoking Pipe, Staff, Standard, Strongbox, Torch, Vase, Water-Bouget, Water-Wheel, Wheel


Mantling, Helms & Crests: All, Clerical Hat and Tassels, Helm with Drape, Helm with Drape and Torse, Angled Helm with Mantling, Angled Helm with Crest, Angled Helm with Mantling and Crest, Helm and Mantling, Encircling Garter, Encircling Ribbon, Encircling Motto Scroll, Mantling, Mourning Drape

Achievement Elements: All, Banner and Lance, Compartment, Medallion, Medallion and Ribbon, Medallion Ribbon, Parchment, Ribbon, Ring and Braid, Motto Scroll, Staff, Strap, Torse, Floral

Letters: All, Blackletter, Futhark, Greek, Insular, Roman, Textura, Uncial

Escutcheon Outlines: All, Device Outline, Square, Lozenge, Circular, Oval, Heart, Roman Scutum, Kite Outline, Truncated Kite, Triangular, Heater, Almond, Iberian U-Shaped, German U-Shaped, Tilting, Italian Tilting, Renaissance, Foliate Renaissance, Polish Renaissance, German Renaissance, Spanish Renaissance, Italian Renaissance, Horsehead, German Tournament, English Tournament, Embowed Heater, Moorish Adarga, Spanish Adarga, Italian Adarga, Nguni, English, Late-Period English, Engrailed English, English Scrollwork, Pentagonal English, Engrailed Heater, Octagonal, Federal

Flags: All, Standard, Guidon

Diapering Textures: All, Vine, Dot and Cross, Squares, Lozenge, Octagram, Chainmail, Blooms, Almonds, Swallowtails, Frets, Lines

Layout Guides: All, Center Lines, Ordinary Lines, Grid, Semy

Doodle Sheets: All, Quad Devices, Small Devices, Quad Badges, Small Badges

Display Worksheets: All, Heater, Square, Lozenge, Circular, Oval, Heart, Roman Scutum, Kite, Truncated Kite, Almond, Iberian, Tilting, Italian Tilting, Renaissance, Foliate Renaissance, Polish Renaissance, Spanish Renaissance, Italian Renaissance, Horsehead, German Tournament, English Tournament, English, Pentagonal English, Engrailed Heater, Octagonal, German 16th C. Frame, German 16th C. Lozenge, Italian 16th C. Frame, 17th C. Scrollwork, Shield with Strap, Draped Achievement, Helm, Shield with Helm & Mantling, Banner, Banners and Lances, Banner and Lance, Banner and Pole, Quarter-Circle Banner, Gonfalon, Gonfalon and Lance, Pennons, Pennons and Lances, Pavon and Lance, Standards, Tudor Standards, Standard and Lance, Standards and Lances, Fluttering Standards, Guidon and Lance, Pennon and Lance, Trumpet Banner, Heraldic Tabard, Tabard with Helm and Banners, Surcoat, Crusader, 11th C., Banner and Shield, Mounted Knight, Spaniard, 16th C., Lady Justice, English 14th C. Couple, English 14th C. Cotehardie, English 14th C. Sideless Gown, English Late 14th C. Cotehardie, English 14th C. Lord, English 15th C. Gentleman, English 16th C. Procession, Herald With Trumpet