Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art

References: Defaults | Proper | SFCPs | Problematic | Unregistrable

Steps From Core Practice

These items are marked as being a step from core practice (SFCP). This list is incomplete.


Chief: Chief Doubly Enarched; Chief Flory
Cross: Cross Nowy; Cross Quadrate
Saltire: Saltire Nowy; Saltire Quadrate

Shapes & Symbols

Ankh: Ankh (1); Ankh (2); Ankh (3)
Compass Star: Compass Star (1); Compass Star (2); Compass Star (3)
Cross (Charge): Cross of St. Brigid
Mitsutomoe: Mitsutomoe (1); Mitsutomoe (2); Mitsutomoe (3); Mitsutomoe (4)
Mullet: Mullet of 4 Elongated to Base; Mullet of 5 Greater and 5 Lesser Points; Mullet of 8 Mascles Interlaced
Polygon: Hexagon; Hexagon Voided; Pentagon; Pentagon Voided
Spiral: Triskelion of Spirals (1); Triskelion of Spirals (2)
Triskelion: Triskele (1); Triskele (2); Triskele (3)

The World & Heavens

Lightning: Lightning Bolt (1); Lightning Bolt (2)


Apple: Apple (1)
Rose: Rose Slipped & Leaved (4); Rose Slipped & Leaved (5); Rose Slipped and Leaved (6)


Spiderweb: Spiderweb Couped


Dragon: East Asian Dragon In Annulo (1); East Asian Dragon In Annulo (2); East Asian Dragon Passant


Simurgh: Simurgh Close; Simurgh Rising


Bear: Bear Sejant Erect Affronty
Pawprint: Bear's Pawprint; Pawprint (1); Pawprint (2); Pawprint (3)
Tiger: Natural Tiger Couchant Head Lowered; Natural Tiger Courant; Natural Tiger Passant (1); Natural Tiger Passant (2); Natural Tiger Passant (3); Natural Tiger Rampant (1); Natural Tiger Rampant (2); Natural Tiger Rampant (3); Natural Tiger Statant; Natural Tiger's Head Cabossed (1); Natural Tiger's Head Cabossed (2); Natural Tiger's Head Cabossed (3); Natural Tiger's Head Erased
Wolf: Wolf Sejant (Head Elevated)


Footprint: Footprint


Mask: Comedy Mask; Tragedy Mask


Torii: Torii (1); Torii (2)


Dagger: Dagger (1)

Assorted Objects

Gemstone: French-Cut Gemstone In Profile
Lamp: Arabian Lamp (3)