Illustrations in this collection have been taken from or adapted from the sources listed below.
British Library Cotton MS Julius A VI
Source for 1 illustration.
Painted in the first half of the 11th century in North England. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Dering Roll
Source for 6 illustrations.
Painted circa 1270-1280 near Dover, England. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Armorial Le Breton
Source for 8 illustrations.
Painted circa 1292 in France, with some pages added between 1400–1530. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Manesse Codex
Source for 5 illustrations.
Painted in Germany circa 1304 with additions through 1340. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Zurich Roll
Source for 46 illustrations.
Painted circa 1340 in Switzerland. Illustrators unknown.
Wappenbuch der Bruderschaft des heiligen
Christophorus am Arlberg
Indexed as HHStA HS Weiss 242, the "Viennese Manuscript." Painted in Tyrol in the 14th century. Archived at
Bellenville Armorial
Source for 17 illustrations.
Painted between 1375 and 1400 in or around the Netherlands. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Armorial de Gelre
Source for 14 illustrations.
Painted circa 1395 near Geldern. Illustrations by Claes Heinenzoon. Archived at For names and blazons see: Armoriaux/Gelre/Partie_VI.html Modern re-emblazons are available on this site:
Beyeren Armorial
Source for 14 illustrations.
Painted in 1405 at the court of Holland. Illustrations by Claes Heinenzoon. Archived at and Archived at For names and blazons see
De Ministrerio Armorum
Source for 4 illustrations.
Indexed as J Rylands Latin MS 28. Painted around 1415 in Germany by a Portuguese herald. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Fenwick Roll
Source for 10 illustrations.
Painted in England between 1422 and 1461.
Armas de los Condes
Source for 11 illustrations.
Subtitle: Vescondes etc. de Cataluña, de Castilla, de Portugal Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 290. Painted between 1440-1550 in Iberia. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Le Grand Armorial Équestre de la Toison d'Or
Source for 14 illustrations.
Painted between 1429 and 1461 near Burgundy. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Bergshammar Armorial
Source for 5 illustrations.
Painted between 1441–56 in Brabant, Netherlands. Illustrators unknown. Archived at Annotation and re-emblazon at
Stemmario Trivulziano
Source for 69 illustrations.
Painted circa 1450 near Milan. Illustrations by Gian Antonio da Tradate. Archived at,+piatto+anteriore
Scheibler Armorial
Source for 53 illustrations.
Also known as Scheibler'sches Wappenbuch. Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 312 c. Painted around 1450 in Germany, with additions through 1600. Illustrators unknown. Archived at and
Armorial de Berry
Source for 3 illustrations.
Also known as the Armorial of Gilles Le Bouvier. Painted circa 1455 in France. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
St. Gallen Armorial
Source for 16 illustrations.
Also known as the Armorial of Ulrich Rösch, Abbot of Saint Gall. Painted circa 1470 in Southern Germany. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Wappenbuch Conrads von Grünenberg
Source for 27 illustrations.
Subtitle: Ritters und Bürgers zu Constanz. Indexed as BSB Cgm 145. Printed circa 1480 in Southern Germany by Conrad Grünenberg. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Prince Arthur's Book
Source for 6 illustrations.
Painted in England around 1480, perhaps by Thomas Wriothesley. Some images may be found on the web, but the full set is not online.
Wernigerode Armorial
Source for 24 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 308n. Also called the Schaffhausensches Wappenbuch. Painted circa 1490 in South Germany. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
The Deidis of Armorie
Source for 13 illustrations.
Indexed as Harley MS 6149. Written circa 1494 by Adam Loutfut, Kintyre Pursuivant, and two other scribes. Archived at
Ortus Sanitatis
Source for 16 illustrations.
Printed by Johann Prüss in 1499. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Sarum Processional
Source for 6 illustrations.
Printed by Morin of Rouen in 1508. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Livro do Armeiro-Mor
Source for 15 illustrations.
Painted in Portugal in 1506-09 by Jean Du Cros. Archived at and and
BnF MS Fr 5240
Source for 4 illustrations.
Painted 1515-1547 in France. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Confréries de la Cour Amoureuse et de l’Épinette
Source for 2 illustrations.
Indexed as BnF Ms. Français 10469. Painted some time after 1515 in France. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Livro da Nobreza e Perfeição das Armas
Source for 4 illustrations.
Painted 1521-1541 in Portugal by António Godinho. Archived at
Sammelband Mehrerer Wappenbücher
Source for 31 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 391. Painted circa 1530 in Southern Germany. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Anton Tirol's Wappenbuch
Source for 14 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 310. Painted circa 1490–1540 in the Tyrol. Archived at
Neustifter Wappenbuch
Source for 26 illustrations.
Painted circa 1540 in the Tyrol. Illustrations by Vigil Raber. Archived at
Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft
Source for 126 illustrations.
Painted circa 1548 in Sterzing, Tyrol. Illustrations by Vigil Raber. Archived at
Wappenbuch Süddeutschland
Source for 11 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 392 d. Painted before 1550 in Southern Germany. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
Lewis Armorial
Source for 6 illustrations.
Indexed as UPenn manuscript Lewis E 17. Painted in the 1500s in Austro-Bavaria. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
BnF MS Allemand 304
Source for 45 illustrations.
A sixteenth-century German armorial. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Nobiliario de Armas de Valencia, Aragón y Cataluña
Source for 22 illustrations.
Indexed as Biblioteca Nacional de España MSS 3096. A sixteenth-century Spanish armorial. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Anglica
Source for 34 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 291. Painted in England circa 1550. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Devises Heroiques et Emblemes
Source for 7 illustrations.
Written by Claude Paradin. Illustrator unknown. Originally published in Lyons in 1551, expanded and reissued multiple times over the following century. Archived at
Insignia Urbium Italiae Septentrionalis
Source for 29 illustrations.
Subtitled Nobilium Mediolanensium. Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 270. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Venetorum Nobilium II
Source for 10 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 272, or Insignia VII. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Venetorum Nobilium III
Source for 6 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 273, or Insignia VIII. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Veneta, Mantuana, Bononiensia,
Anconitana, Urbinatia, Perugiensia
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 274, or Insignia IX. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Nobilium Patavinorum
Source for 7 illustrations.
Title continued: Impresa Ferrariensium, Pesariensium. Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 275. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Nobilium Veronensium, Vicentinorum
Source for 9 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 276. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Insignia Florentinorum
Source for 10 illustrations.
Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 277, or Insignia XII. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at and
Insignia Lucensium, Senensium, Pisanorum
Source for 2 illustrations.
Title continued: Pistoianorum, Volterranorum, Aretinorum, Cortonensium, Borgo a S. Sepolcro. Indexed as BSB Cod. Icon. 278, or Insignia XIII. Painted in Italy circa 1555. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Catalogue des Nobles Admiraulx de France
Source for 3 illustrations.
Subtitle: Depuis le Roy Philippes de Valois, Jusques à Tres Puissant, Tres Magnanime & Tres Victorieux Roy de France, Henry Deuxième By Jean Le Féron. Artist unknown. Published in Paris, 1555. Archived at
Catalogue des Très Illustres Grands-Maistres de France
Source for 2 illustrations.
Subtitle: Depuis le Roy Clotaire, Deuxième du Nom, Jusques à Tres Puissant, Tres Magnanime & Tres Victorieux Roy de France, Henry Deuxième By Jean Le Féron. Artist unknown. Published in Paris, 1555. Archived at
Wappenbuch of the Holy Roman Empire
Source for 4 illustrations.
Painted by Stephan Brechtel around 1560 Archived at
Flandria Roll
Source for 3 illustrations.
Subtitle: Chorographie Flanderns in Portraits der Landesfürsten, den Wappen des Adels und des Landes und in seiner Geographie. Indexed as BSB Cod.icon. 265. Painted in the Netherlands in 1562. Archived at
The Accedence of Armorie
Source for 13 illustrations.
By Gerard Legh (sometimes Leigh), published in England in 1562 with a second edition in 1597. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Rylands MS 2
Source for 10 illustrations.
Painted by Lucas Cranach the Younger in Germany in 1565. Archived at
Opera Dell'arte Del Cucinare
Source for 12 illustrations.
Printed by Bartolomeo Scappi in Italy in 1570. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Arma Regni Poloniae
Source for 17 illustrations.
Indexed as München, BSB Herald. 9. Printed in Germany in 1572. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Workes of Armorie
Source for 40 illustrations.
Subtitle: Deuyded into three bookes, entituled, the Concordes of armorie, the Armorie of honor, and of Coates and creastes. Printed by John Bossewell in England in 1572. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Schlesisches Wappenbuch
Published in Silesia in 1578. Archived at
Le Blason Des Armoiries
Source for 86 illustrations.
Subtitle: Auquel est monstrée la manière de laquelle les Anciens et Modernes ont usé en icelles. Written and illustrated by Jérôme de Bara in Lyon, France, 1579. Archived at
Von Den Fürsten Grauen, Herren
Source for 2 illustrations.
Subtitle: auch andern alten Adelichen Bayrischen Geschlechten. Published in Germany, 1586. Artist unknown. Archived at
Nobleza del Andaluzia
Source for 13 illustrations.
Indexed as Biblioteca Nacional de España MSS R10805, R26842. Published by Gonzalo Argote de Molina in Sevilla, 1588. Artist unknown. Archived at
Walters Ms. W.847
Source for 4 illustrations.
Painted in England in 1589. Archived at
The Armes of All the Cheife Corporatons
Source for 11 illustrations.
Subtitle: of England wt. the companees of London described by letters for ther seuerall collores Published by Benjamin Wright in London in 1596. Archived at FOLGERCM1~6~6~793017~150630:The-armes-of-all-the-cheife- corpora
Catalogue des Noms, Surnoms, Faits et Vies
Source for 4 illustrations.
Subtitle: Des Connestables, Chanceliers, Grands Maistres, Admiraux et Mareschaux de France; Ensemble des Prévosts de Paris, Depuis Leur Premier Establissement Jusques à Très Haut, Tres Puissant, & Tres Chrestien Roy de France et de Navarre Henry III By Jean Le Féron. Artist unknown. Published in Paris, 1598. Archived at
English Arms A
Source for 29 illustrations.
Created in Ireland circa 1590–1620. Archived at
Siebmacher's Wappenbuch of 1605
Source for 46 illustrations.
Written and illustrated by Johann Siebmacher in Germany in 1605. Archived at
A Display of Heraldry
Subtitle: Manifesting a more easie access to the knowledge thereof than hath been hitherto published by any, through the benefit of method. Printed by John Guillim in England in 1611. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Source for 10 illustrations.
Painted circa 1640 in Japan. Illustrations attributed to Kyūan. Archived at
Manchester University English MS 15
Source for 3 illustrations.
Illustrated in Scotland. Dated to 16th-17th C. Archived at
The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents
Source for 6 illustrations.
Published in 1658 in England. Illustrations by Edward Topsell. Archived at
Opus Insignium Armorumque
Source for 12 illustrations.
Published in 1687 in Slovenia. Illustrations by Janez Valvasor and Bartholomaeus Ramschisslu. Archived at and
Devises et Emblemes Anciennes & Modernes
Source for 3 illustrations.
Subtitle: Tirees de Plus Celebres Auteurs Written by Daniel de la Feuille. Published in 1699 in Augsburg, Bavaria. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Heraldry of Fish
Source for 15 illustrations.
Subtitle: Notices of the Principal Families Bearing Fish in Their Arms. Printed by Thomas Moule in England in 1842. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Siebmacher's Grosses und Allgemeines Wappenbuch
Source for 3 illustrations.
Also known as Neuer Siebmacher, “the new Siebmacher.” Published in Germany by Adolf Matthias Hildebrandt, Maximilian Gritzner, and Gustav A Seyler, 1854-1967. Illustrators unknown. Archived at
English Heraldry
Source for 8 illustrations.
Published by Charles Boutell in England in 1867, republished 1899. Illustrations by R. B. Utting. Archived at
The New Practical Gardener and Modern Horticulturist
Source for 1 illustration.
Printed by Wm. MacKensie in England in 1874. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
A Cyclopedia of Costume
Subtitle: or, Dictionary of Dress, Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent; a General Chronological History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Accession of George the Third. Published 1876–79 in England by James Robinson Planché. Illustrators unknown. Archived at and and
Siegel des Mittelalters aus den Archiven der
Stadt Lübeck
Published in 1879 in Germany by Verein für lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
Source for 1 illustration.
Subtitle: A Curious Fable of the Cotton Plant. Published by Henry Lee in England in 1887. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
A Treatise on Heraldry British and Foreign
Source for 8 illustrations.
Subtitle: With English and French Glossaries. Two volumes. Published by John Woodward in England in 1892. Illustrator unknown. Archived at and
Heraldry, Ancient and Modern
Source for 6 illustrations.
Subtitle: Including Boutell's Heraldry. Published by S.T. Aveling in 1890. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry
Source for 38 illustrations.
By James Parker, with contributions by Henry Gough, 1894. Based on the book published by his father, J. H. Parker, in 1847. Some illustrations by his daughter, Irene Parker (later Irene Hore). Archived at and and
Some Feudal Coats of Arms
Source for 3 illustrations.
Subtitle: And others, illustrated with 2,000 zinco etchings from the Bayear tapestry, Greek vases, seals, tiles, effigies, brasses and heraldic rolls. By Joseph Foster, 1902. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
Baltischer Wappen-Kalender
Published by E Bruhns, in Riga, 1902. Illustrated by M. Kortmann. Archived at
Two Tudor Books of Arms
Source for 52 illustrations.
Subtitle: Harleian Manuscripts Numbers 2169 & 6163. By Joseph Foster, 1904. Illustrator unknown. Based on a mid-16th C. copy of a late-15th C. manuscript. Archived at
Some Feudal Lords and Their Seals
Source for 17 illustrations.
By Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis (Baron Howard de Walden), 1904. Images copied from examples in a document from 1301. Archived at
Banners, Standards, and Badges
Source for 81 illustrations.
Subtitle: From a Tudor manuscript in the College of Arms. By Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis (Baron Howard de Walden), 1904. Illustrations drawn by Thomas Willement in 1829-31, based on a manuscript created in England circa 1531. Archived at
The Art of Heraldry
Source for 22 illustrations.
Subtitle: An Encyclopædia of Armory. By Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1904. Illustrations by H. G. Strohl, G. W. Eve, Graham Johnston, C. W. Sherborn, R. E., J. Forbes Nixon, G. Scruby, J. Vinycomb, M.R.I.A., and “Miss Helard” (a pseudonym for his wife, Mary Ellen Blanche Crookes). Archived at
The Principles of Design
Source for 15 illustrations.
Subtitle: A text-book for teachers, students, and craftsmen. Written and illustrated by George Woolliscroft–Rhead, 1905. Archived at
Fictitious & Symbolic Creatures in Art
Source for 35 illustrations.
Subtitle: With special reference to their use in British heraldry. Written and illustrated by John Vinycomb, 1906. Archived at
Heraldic Badges
Source for 5 illustrations.
By Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1907. Illustrator unknown. Archived at
A Complete Guide to Heraldry
Source for 162 illustrations.
By Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1909. Most illustrations by Graham Johnston. Includes illustrations by “Miss Helard” (a pseudonym for his wife, Mary Ellen Blanche Crookes) and Mr. G. W. Eve. Archived at
Wappen und Siegel des Kreises Alfeld
Source for 6 illustrations.
Written by Wilhelm Barner, 1953. Illustrations by Gustav Völker.
Braunschweiger Wappenbuch
Source for 1 illustration.
Written by Arnold Rabbow, 1977, revised 1984, 2018. Illustrations by Gustav Völker.
Wappenbuch des Landkreises Hannover
Source for 8 illustrations.
Published in Germany in 1985. Illustrations by Gustav Völker.
Wikimedia Commons
Source for 37 illustrations.
Copyright for each item is retained by its original creator. Although most Wikimedia material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution license, this collection includes only items which have been placed in the public domain. Artists include: AceDouble, AnonMoos, Care, F.rodrigo, Fry1989, Madden, Mouagip, Orem, and Poznaniak. Available at Category:SVG_coat_of_arms_elements Copyright for each item is retained by its original creator. Although most Heraldik-Wiki material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution license, this collection includes only items which have been placed in the public domain. Artists include: Dorado, Leit, and Madboy74. Available at
Source for 33 illustrations.
All items released into the public domain. Available at
Heraldic Templates
Source for 204 illustrations.
By Torric inn Björn. © 1992 Floyd L. Bullock. Permission was granted by the artist to adapt and include these images as part of this project. Archived at
Pennsic Traceable Art
Created by the volunteers of the art tent at Pennsic Heralds’ Point. Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © 2004–2007 Erin E Childs. Permission was granted by the editor to include, update, redraw and distribute the PTA images as part of this project. Nearly all of the charges from the third edition are included, along with some additional items from the project’s unreleased archives. A concordance showing each PTA item and the corresponding image in this collection is available at Artists include Roana d’Evreux, Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon, Bressal MacCulloch, Palotzi Marti, Gisela vom Kreuzbach, Elsbeth Anne Roth, Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Thomas Ouswood, Margaret Makafee, and Tristran Deans, among others. In some cases, the record of artists' credits is unclear, and we have included our best guess as to the creator, annotated as "attributed." Images scanned by Roana d’Evreux and Thomas Ouswood.
Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds
Source for 631 illustrations.
By Gunnvôr silfrahárr. © 2014 Christie L. Ward. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. No attribution is required for heraldic or artistic use by members of the SCA. Available at
SVG Heraldry Components
Source for 28 illustrations.
By Nicholas de Estleche. © 2016–2018 Nicholas Adams. Permission was granted to include and distribute these images as part of this project. Available for free use without attribution by participants in the SCA. Available at
Source for 26 illustrations.
By Grimwulf Harland. Permission was granted to include and distribute these images as part of this project. Available for free use without attribution by
Pennsic Traceable Art Archives
Source for 20 illustrations.
participants in the SCA. Following the publication of the third edition of the Pennsic Available at Traceable Art, a number of additional illiustrations were collected in anticipation of the fourth edition, but were never published. A decade later, they are being distributed here for the first time, under the same terms as for the third edition. Artist include Gunnvôr silfrahárr, Ian of Tadcaster, and Violante de Rojas.
Compiled by Joakim Spuller. Copyright for each item is retained by its original creators. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license. Permission for free use without attribution was granted to participants in the amateur reenactment community. Available at
Pennsic “Bored Artists” Collection
Source for 77 illustrations.
Created by the volunteers of the art tent at Pennsic Heralds’ Point. Copyright for each item is retained by its original creator. Permission granted to share for free heraldic use within the SCA. Artists include Æðelðryð MacGillivray, Angharat Goch verch Gwenhover, `Aziza al-Shiraziyya, Celiedh Eiriksdottir, Dorothy Mackey, Imayne de Merlowe, Jaqueline de Molieres, Kjalvor Sæbjarnardottir, Raziya Bint Rusa, Rozalia Krawczykowa, Stephanie Fahey, and Þórý Veðardóttir.
Pennsic Heralds’ Point Artists
Source for 111 illustrations.
Created by the volunteers of the art tent at Pennsic Heralds’ Point. Copyright for each item is retained by its original creator. Taken from submissions of Pennsic XLIV (2015), XLVI (2017), XLVII (2018), XLVIII (2019), XLIX (2022), and L (2023). Permission granted to share for free heraldic use within the SCA.
Book of Traceable Heraldic Art
Source for 1739 illustrations.
Digital illustration and layout of this collection was performed by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. Content, design, and illustrations not specifically credited to others are © 2016–2023 Matthew Simon Ryan Cavalletto. Illustrations with a named artist but no identified source work were contributed to this project by their creators, who retain the copyright. This book and those illustrations, unless specified, are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. No attribution is required for non-commercial heraldic or artistic use by participants in the SCA or other forms of amateur historic recreation. Use outside of amateur historical recreation, including commercial use, is allowed with appropriate credit, so long as you make the resulting work available under the same terms. Contact the editor for questions about other uses not explicitly covered here. Some individual item pages note that their contents are covered by a Non-Commercial CC license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). For commercial use of those items, contact the artists directly for permission.