Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


Cicada (1) §

An insect that spends much of its life underground before suddenly emerging en masse to take wings and mate.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

This illustration may need to be modified according to the January 2020 LoAR which noted that period examples had a separation in their wings.

Source: Pennsic Heralds’ Point Artists. Artist: Li Xia.

Cicada (2) §

An insect that spends much of its life underground before suddenly emerging en masse to take wings and mate.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Opera Quae Extant Òmnia. Artist unknown. (Author Pietro Andrea Mattioli; image from 1674 edition.)

Cicada (3) §

An insect that spends much of its life underground before suddenly emerging en masse to take wings and mate.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Heralds’ Point Artists. Artist: Li Xia. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Crab (1) §

A pinchy crustacean.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Crab (2) §

A pinchy crustacean.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Crab (3) §

A pinchy crustacean.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 87.)

Crab (4) §

A pinchy crustacean.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Oscott Psalter. Artist unknown. Adapted by Waḫriia̯ of St Christina the Astonishing.

Pair of Crab's Claws §

A pinchy crustacean.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Botenbuch der Bruderschaft St. Christoph auf dem Arlberg. Artist unknown. Adapted by Saewynn aet Cnolle. Released to the public domain.

Horseshoe Crab §

A crustacean with a flat shell hiding its legs.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Adapted from a 1617 oil painting "The Cabinet of a Collector." Artist: Frans Franken the Younger. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Ladybird §

A beetle known for its bright red wing case. In many cultures it is variously a symbol of good luck or maternal care. Known in modern North America as the “lady bug,” but “ladybird” or “ladybird beetle” is an older name in England. Default posture: tergiant. Proper coloration: gules marked sable.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Prawn §

A very tiny lobster.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Adapted from “Zoology: Descriptive and Practical” by Buel P. Colton (1903), page 78. Artist unknown.

Scorpion (1) §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist: Roana d’Evreux (attributed).

Scorpion (2) §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Scorpion (3) §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 87.)

Scorpion (4) §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Insignia Nobilium Urbis Romae. Artist unknown. (Arms of de Mollaria, folio 80.)

Scorpion (5) §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.

Scorpion Fesswise §

An insect with a powerful stinger.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Codex Fejérváry-Mayer. Artist unknown. Adapted by Máel Brigte.

Spider (1) §

A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs. Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Spider (2) §

A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs. Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Spider (3) §

A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs. Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Spider (4) §

A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

This illustration shows an orb-weaver from the genus Argiope.

Artist: Valentine Ambrose.

Spider (5) §

A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

This illustration shows a jumping spider from the genus Phidippus.

Artist: Valentine Ambrose.

Pair of Stag Beetle's Attires §

A horned insect.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Artist: Iago ab Adam. Adapted from Stammbuch of Georg Schellhammer. (Page 145.)

Chabot (1) §

A flat fish of the sea floor.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Guillim’s Display of Heraldry. Artist unknown.

Chabot (2) §

A flat fish of the sea floor.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Bellenville Armorial. Artist unknown. (Folio 42r.)

Chabot (3) §

A flat fish of the sea floor.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Armorial Français et Plus Particulièrement Poitevin. Artist unknown. (Folio 32r.)

Chabot (4) §

A flat fish of the sea floor.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Recuil d'Armoiries Coloriées. Artist unknown. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Monkfish §

A large-mouthed ocean flatfish.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Artist: Wylet Fraser.

Sea-Tortoise Tergiant Fesswise §

An ocean-going armored reptile.

Default posture: tergiant palewise. No proper coloration.

Source: Vis Booc. Artist: Adriaen Coenensz. Adapted by Iago ab Adam.

Skate §

A flat fish with a wide body shape.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: A Display of Heraldry. Artist: John Guillim. (Manuscript folio 79v.) Adapted by Iago ab Adam.

Stockfish Headless and Split (1) §

A fish split open and laid flat to dry for preservation. Found in Icelandic armory.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Holar Salmebogen. (Published 1589.) Artist unknown.

Stockfish Headless and Split (2) §

A fish split open and laid flat to dry for preservation. Found in Icelandic armory.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Adapted from images of the arms of Iceland in the cathedral of Skálholt.

Turbot §

A flat fish of the sea floor.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 88.)

Zydrach Tergiant (1) §

A hammerhead shark.

Default posture unknown. No proper coloration.

Adapted from photographs of a fabric panel embroidered by Mary Stuart circa 1570 based on "Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium."

Zydrach Tergiant (2) §

A hammerhead shark.

Default posture unknown. No proper coloration.

Source: Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium. Artist unknown. (Page 150.)

Chameleon Tergiant §

A colorful insectivore.

Default posture: statant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic 50 Art Tent. Artist: Li Xia.

Frog (1) §

A leaping amphibian.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Frog (2) §

A leaping amphibian.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Frog (3) §

A leaping amphibian.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Artist: Iago ab Adam. Adapted from Wappenbuch Conrads von Grünenberg.

Frog (4) §

A leaping amphibian.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.

Frog (5) §

A leaping amphibian.

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Insegne di Vari Prencipi et Case Illustri d'Italia. Artist: Giacomo Fontana. Adapted by Malyss Makneile.

Lizard Tergiant (1) §

A small reptile.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Lizard Tergiant (2) §

A small reptile.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic 50 Art Tent. Artist: Callum Viktor Sheldon.

Salamander Tergiant Counter-embowed §

A lizard wreathed in flames.

Default posture: statant. No proper coloration.

As drawn, this might be considered poor style, as it looks more like "on a flame, a lizard" rather than a lizard enflamed. Breaking the flame up into multiple spurts of fire would help to address this problem.

Source: Heraldic Templates. Artist: Torric inn Björn. Adapted by Þórý Veðardóttir.

Salamander Tergiant Regardant §

A lizard wreathed in flames.

Default posture: statant. No proper coloration.

Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.

Natural Salamander Tergiant (1) §

A lizard.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Natural Salamander Tergiant (2) §

A lizard.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Natural Salamander Tergiant Counter-embowed (1) §

A lizard.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

On the April 2023 letter, this depiction was ruled to be unregistrable as the posture is unblazonable.

Source: Heraldic Templates. Artist: Torric inn Björn. Adapted by Þórý Veðardóttir.

Natural Salamander Tergiant Counter-embowed (2) §

A lizard.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Heraldic Templates. Artist: Torric inn Björn. Adapted by Þórý Veðardóttir and Ragna stórráða Úlfsdóttir.

Tortoise (1) §

A long-lived, slow-moving animal protected by a hard shell. I “turtle.”

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.

Tortoise (2) §

A long-lived, slow-moving animal protected by a hard shell. Also blazoned a “turtle.”

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Source: Guillim’s Display of Heraldry. Artist unknown.

Tortoise (3) §

A long-lived, slow-moving animal protected by a hard shell. Also blazoned a “turtle.”

Default posture: tergiant. No proper coloration.

Artist: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.

Fleece Tergiant Fesswise §

A sheep, or just its skin, suspended by a strap under its belly.

Default posture: feet down, head to dexter. No proper coloration.

Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara.

Rat Tergiant §

A rodent.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Note that tergiant is not a typical posture for beasts.

Artist: Volusia Zoe.