Eastern European | English | French | German | Iberian | Irish | Islamic | Italian | Japanese | Mesoamerican | Netherlandish | Scandanavian | Scottish | Society | Swiss | Unknown
Eastern European § ↑
Arma Regni Poloniae: 17 illustrations.
Banderia Prutenorum: 10 illustrations.
Herby Rycerstwa Polskiego: 6 illustrations.
Korjenić-Neorić Armorial: 2 illustrations.
Orbis Polonus: 2 illustrations.
Some Feudal Coats of Arms: 3 illustrations.
Zrdcadlo Slavného Margrabstwii Morawského: 2 illustrations.
English § ↑
The Accedence of Armorie: 13 illustrations.
The Armes of All the Cheife Corporatons: 12 illustrations.
Banners, Standards, and Badges: 81 illustrations.
The Book of Public Arms: 5 illustrations.
British Library Cotton MS Julius A VI: 1 illustration.
Chute's Tobacco: 1 illustration.
Dering Roll: 6 illustrations.
English Arms A: 30 illustrations.
English Heraldry: 8 illustrations.
Fenwick Roll: 10 illustrations.
The Flora of the Liverpool District: 1 illustration.
Funeral Arms and Commissions for Visitations: 10 illustrations.
Garter stall-plate of Francis Lovel: 1 illustration.
Garter stall-plate of John Russell, First Earl of Bedford: 1 illustration.
Garter stall-plate of John Sully: 1 illustration.
Glover's Roll in St. George's Book: 3 illustrations.
Heraldic Badges: 5 illustrations.
Heraldry of Fish: 15 illustrations.
The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents: 6 illustrations.
Insignia Anglica: 50 illustrations.
The New Practical Gardener and Modern Horticulturist: 1 illustration.
Powell Roll: 4 illustrations.
Prince Arthur's Book: 6 illustrations.
Robert Glover's Book: 1 illustration.
Rochester Bestiary: 2 illustrations.
Some Feudal Lords and Their Seals: 17 illustrations.
Stall Plates of the Knights of the Order of the Garter: 6 illustrations.
Thomas Jenyn's Book: 13 illustrations.
The Trade Signs of Essex: 8 illustrations.
A Treatise on Heraldry British and Foreign: 8 illustrations.
The True Description of This Marvellous Strange Fish: 1 illustration.
The Tudor Pattern Book: 24 illustrations.
Two Tudor Books of Arms: 52 illustrations.
The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary: 1 illustration.
Walter Roll: 1 illustration.
Walters Ms. W.847: 4 illustrations.
William Bruges’s Garter Book: 1 illustration.
Workes of Armorie: 40 illustrations.
Wriothesley Heraldic Collections, Volume II: 8 illustrations.
French § ↑
Armorial de Berry: 3 illustrations.
Armorial de Gilles Le Bouvier: 5 illustrations.
Armorial Le Breton: 10 illustrations.
Armorial Lorrain de la Première Moitié du XVIe Siècle: 2 illustrations.
BnF MS Fr 18649: 2 illustrations.
BnF MS Fr 5240: 5 illustrations.
BnF MS Français 412: 2 illustrations.
Catalogue des Nobles Admiraulx de France: 3 illustrations.
Catalogue des Noms, Surnoms, Faits et Vies: 4 illustrations.
Catalogue des Très Illustres Grands-Maistres de France: 2 illustrations.
Confréries de la Cour Amoureuse: 16 illustrations.
Confréries de la Cour Amoureuse et de l’Épinette: 4 illustrations.
Devises Heroiques et Emblemes: 7 illustrations.
La Vie Dans La Nature: 1 illustration.
Le Blason Des Armoiries: 88 illustrations.
Le Grand Armorial Équestre de la Toison d'Or: 14 illustrations.
Le second volume de la premiere partye du blason d'armoiries: 11 illustrations.
Les Blasons des Communautés d'Apothicaires au XVIIe Siècle: 3 illustrations.
Recueil de Blasons Peints: 6 illustrations.
Sarum Processional: 6 illustrations.
Traité de Blason et Recueil d'Armoiries: 2 illustrations.
Traité de l'Art du Blason: 1 illustration.
Vocabulaire-Atlas Héraldique: 29 illustrations.
German § ↑
Aegidius Tschudi's Armorial: 14 illustrations.
Anton Tirol's Wappenbuch: 16 illustrations.
BnF MS Allemand 304: 46 illustrations.
Braunschweiger Wappenbuch: 1 illustration.
Chronicles of Nuremberg, 1530-1600: 2 illustrations.
Das Ständebuch: 1 illustration.
Das Tücherbuch, 1555-1600 German: 1 illustration.
De Ministrerio Armorum: 4 illustrations.
Devises et Emblemes Anciennes & Modernes: 3 illustrations.
Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen: 8 illustrations.
Die Theuerdank: 1 illustration.
Die Wappenbücher vom Arlberg: 5 illustrations.
Donaueschinger Wappenbuch: 12 illustrations.
Eberhardt Kößler vnnd seine Nachkummen: 2 illustrations.
Ehrenspiegel des Hauses Österreich: 7 illustrations.
Familienwappen des Hohen Adels: 8 illustrations.
Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten, Landen vnd Voelckeren: 3 illustrations.
Graz UB Ms. 2211: 1 illustration.
Heiligen Römischen Reiches: 3 illustrations.
Hofkleiderbuch des Herzogs Wilhelm IV und Albrecht V: 5 illustrations.
Ingeram Codex: 3 illustrations.
Koloriertes Wappenbuch: 2 illustrations.
Lewis Armorial: 6 illustrations.
Manesse Codex: 7 illustrations.
Mittelalterliches Deutsches Wappenbuch: 2 illustrations.
Münchner Handschrift: 7 illustrations.
Neuer Siebmacher: 3 illustrations.
Neustifter Wappenbuch: 28 illustrations.
Opus Insignium Armorumque: 12 illustrations.
Ortenburger Wappenbuch: 8 illustrations.
Rylands MS 2: 10 illustrations.
Sammelband Mehrerer Wappenbücher: 32 illustrations.
Sammlung von Wappen aus Verschiedenen: 11 illustrations.
Scheibler Armorial: 55 illustrations.
Schembartbuch und Wappenbuch: 5 illustrations.
Schichtbuch: 3 illustrations.
Schlesisches Wappenbuch: 16 illustrations.
Siebmacher’s Wappenbuch of 1605: 48 illustrations.
St. Gallen Armorial: 21 illustrations.
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden Wappenbuch 1642: 2 illustrations.
Stammbuch Bernhard Stiber: 4 illustrations.
Stammbuch Friedrich I. Herzog von Württemberg: 1 illustration.
Stammbuch of Christoph Donauer: 1 illustration.
Stammbuch of Daniel Prasch: 2 illustrations.
Stammbuch of Georg Schellhammer: 1 illustration.
The Stammbuch of Ludwig Hetzer: 4 illustrations.
Stuttgarter Schiessen: 3 illustrations.
Tiroler Handschrift: 3 illustrations.
Von Den Fürsten Grauen, Herren: 4 illustrations.
Wapenboek B 89420 A: 3 illustrations.
Wappen besonders von deutschen Geschlechtern: 7 illustrations.
Wappen des Höheren und des Turnieradels: 2 illustrations.
Wappen und Siegel des Kreises Alfeld: 6 illustrations.
Wappen von bayerischen Familien, Städten, Klöstern: 2 illustrations.
Wappenbuch Conrads von Grünenberg: 30 illustrations.
Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft: 156 illustrations.
Wappenbuch des Landkreises Hannover: 8 illustrations.
Wappenbuch Fol 222: 2 illustrations.
Wappenbuch Fol 223: 6 illustrations.
Wappenbuch of the Holy Roman Empire: 4 illustrations.
Wappenbuch Süddeutschland: 11 illustrations.
Wernigerode Armorial: 25 illustrations.
Österreichisches Wappenbuch: 2 illustrations.
Iberian § ↑
Armas de los Condes: 11 illustrations.
Coplas às Armas da Nobreza de Portugal: 2 illustrations.
Crónica de Valencia: 3 illustrations.
Escudos de Armas, la Mayor Parte de Portugal: 2 illustrations.
La Historia General delas Indias: 1 illustration.
Libro de Armas y Blasones de Diversos Linajes y Retratos: 5 illustrations.
Livro de Nobreza: 4 illustrations.
Livro do Armeiro-Mor: 15 illustrations.
Nobiliario de Armas de Valencia, Aragón y Cataluña: 25 illustrations.
Nobiliario de Juan Pérez de Vargas: 1 illustration.
Nobleza del Andaluzia: 13 illustrations.
Irish § ↑
Irish Arms B: 2 illustrations.
Irish Funeral Entries, Volume 3: 4 illustrations.
Irish Nobility E1: 5 illustrations.
Islamic § ↑
Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus: 8 illustrations.
Maragheh Bestiary: 8 illustrations.
Italian § ↑
Codice Trivulziano 2168: 11 illustrations.
Descrittione del Regno di Napoli: 1 illustration.
Famiglie Venete con le Loro Armi: 2 illustrations.
Insegne di Vari Prencipi et Case Illustri d'Italia: 8 illustrations.
Insignia Florentinorum: 10 illustrations.
Insignia Lucensium, Senensium, Pisanorum: 2 illustrations.
Insignia Nobilium Patavinorum: 8 illustrations.
Insignia Nobilium Urbis Romae: 8 illustrations.
Insignia Nobilium Veronensium, Vicentinorum: 9 illustrations.
Insignia Urbium Italiae Septentrionalis: 35 illustrations.
Insignia Venetorum Nobilium II: 13 illustrations.
Insignia Venetorum Nobilium III: 6 illustrations.
The Nobility of Venice: 10 illustrations.
Opera Dell'arte Del Cucinare: 12 illustrations.
Stemmario Trivulziano: 74 illustrations.
Stemme Veneziane: 1 illustration.
Tesserae Gentilitiae a Siluestro Petra Sancta Romano Societatis Iesu: 10 illustrations.
Viaggio da Venetia al Santo Sepolchro: 2 illustrations.
Japanese § ↑
Daibukan: 2 illustrations.
The Elements of Japanese Design: 1 illustration.
Kenmon Shokamon: 70 illustrations.
O-umajirushi: 11 illustrations.
Mesoamerican § ↑
Archivo General de Indias: 4 illustrations.
Codex Fejérváry-Mayer: 8 illustrations.
Codex Mendoza: 15 illustrations.
Codex Zouche-Nuttall: 12 illustrations.
Florentine Codex: 2 illustrations.
Netherlandish § ↑
Armorial de Gelre: 14 illustrations.
Bellenville Armorial: 17 illustrations.
Bergshammar Armorial: 5 illustrations.
Beyeren Armorial: 15 illustrations.
Flandria Roll: 3 illustrations.
Vis Booc: 4 illustrations.
Scandanavian § ↑
Holar Salmebogen: 1 illustration.
Scottish § ↑
Coats of Arms of Scottish Nobility: 1 illustration.
Crawford's Armorial: 2 illustrations.
The Deidis of Armorie: 26 illustrations.
Dunvegan Armorial: 1 illustration.
Scottish Nobility E2: 2 illustrations.
Society § ↑
Book of Traceable Heraldic Art: 1770 illustrations.
Heraldic Templates: 242 illustrations.
Pennsic 50 Art Tent: 46 illustrations.
Pennsic Bored-Artist Collection: 77 illustrations.
Pennsic Heralds’ Point Artists: 111 illustrations.
Pennsic Traceable Art: 598 illustrations.
Pennsic Traceable Art Archives: 20 illustrations.
Sledgehamster: 26 illustrations.
SVG Heraldry Components: 28 illustrations.
Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds: 639 illustrations.
West Kingdom Heraldic Templates: 6 illustrations.
Swiss § ↑
Zurich Roll: 62 illustrations.
Unknown § ↑
Aja'ib al-Makhluqat wa Ghara'ib al-Mawjudat: 10 illustrations.
Album Amicorum des Élèves de Morel: 1 illustration.
Album Amicorum of Pierre Baullain: 2 illustrations.
Album Amicorum van Nicolaas Rockox: 1 illustration.
Alchemiae Gebri Arabis Libri: 1 illustration.
Alte Armatur und Ringkunst: 1 illustration.
Animal Kingdom Illustrated: 1 illustration.
Annales Carinthiae: 2 illustrations.
Araldo Nel Quale si Vedono Delineate e Colorite le Armi de' Potentati e Sovrani d'Europa: 5 illustrations.
Armas de los Cavalleros de Veneçia: 5 illustrations.
Armas o Blasones de Familias Diferentes: 4 illustrations.
Arme delle Familie Veneziane per Ordine Alfabetico: 4 illustrations.
Armorial Bearings of the Trading Companies and Lord Mayors of London: 2 illustrations.
Armorial Catalan: 4 illustrations.
Armorial de Flandre et du Hainaut: 3 illustrations.
Armorial de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or: 2 illustrations.
Armorial de Waignart: 7 illustrations.
Armorial dit de Lyncenich: 1 illustration.
Armorial et Traité d'Héraldique: 3 illustrations.
Armorial et Traités de Blason: 4 illustrations.
Armorial Français et Plus Particulièrement Poitevin: 8 illustrations.
Armorial General d'Europe: 4 illustrations.
Armorial Général de France: 3 illustrations.
Armorial Général, d'Origine Vraisemblablement Lorraine: 3 illustrations.
Armorial of the Herald of Navarra: 1 illustration.
Armorial Wijnbergen: 2 illustrations.
The Arms of Saffron Walden: 2 illustrations.
Ars Oratoria: 2 illustrations.
The Art of Heraldry: 24 illustrations.
Austrian State Archives: 15 illustrations.
Badische Landesbibliothek band 13: 1 illustration.
Baltischer Wappen-Kalender: 6 illustrations.
Baltisches Wappenbuch: 1 illustration.
Bergshammars Vapenbok: 2 illustrations.
Beschreibung des Büchsenschießens in Innsbruck vom Jahr 1569: 2 illustrations.
The Bible: 1 illustration.
Bible of Stephen Harding: 1 illustration.
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Cappugi. 200: 1 illustration.
Blasons de Bretagne: 3 illustrations.
Boke of Saint Albans: 1 illustration.
Book of Hours, Morgan MS M.1114: 1 illustration.
Botenbuch der Bruderschaft St. Christoph auf dem Arlberg: 12 illustrations.
British Museum: 1 illustration.
Bruderschaftsbuch des Jülich-Bergischen Hubertusordens: 6 illustrations.
BSB Cgm 8030: 11 illustrations.
BSB Cgm 9210: 2 illustrations.
BSB Cim 10291: 1 illustration.
Buch der Natur: 2 illustrations.
Cappugi 200: 1 illustration.
Catalogvs Gloriae Mundi: 1 illustration.
The Century Dictionary: 1 illustration.
Chorographia Württemberg: 2 illustrations.
Chronicle of the Council of Constance: 4 illustrations.
Coats of Arms of Irish Families: 2 illustrations.
Coats of Arms of Nuremberg Families: 1 illustration.
Cod. Karlsruhe 2821: 2 illustrations.
Cod. Sang. 543: 2 illustrations.
Coelum Philosophorum: 1 illustration.
Commonplace Book of Heraldry: 18 illustrations.
Compendium Salernitanum: 2 illustrations.
A Complete Guide to Heraldry: 184 illustrations.
The Curiosities of Heraldry: 3 illustrations.
Curious Creatures in Zoology: 2 illustrations.
Cusack's Freehand Ornament: 2 illustrations.
A Cyclopedia of Costume: 17 illustrations.
Das Buch des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Unnderhalltunge: 2 illustrations.
De Materia Medica: 4 illustrations.
De Natura Rerum: 2 illustrations.
De Re Metallica: 1 illustration.
De Remediis Utriusque Fortunae: 1 illustration.
Des Kaiserlichen Kammergerichts zu Speier Kammerrichter: 9 illustrations.
Dethick's Book of Arms: 2 illustrations.
Die Luzerner Stadtansicht von Martin Martini 1597: 2 illustrations.
A Display of Heraldry: 53 illustrations.
Douce Psalter: 2 illustrations.
The Elements of Armories: 6 illustrations.
Encyclopædia Britannica: 2 illustrations.
Encyclopædia Heraldica: 15 illustrations.
Encyclopedia Britannica: 2 illustrations.
Fictitious & Symbolic Creatures in Art: 36 illustrations.
A fifteenth-century Itallian repoussé copper plaquette: 2 illustrations.
Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis MS E 17: 2 illustrations.
Friendship Album of Giovanni Alto: 2 illustrations.
General Coats of Arms of Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire: 2 illustrations.
Gerard's Herbal: 1 illustration.
A Glossary of Terms Used in British Heraldry: 1 illustration.
A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry: 38 illustrations.
Gorrevod Armorial: 4 illustrations.
Grand Armorial Colorié: 1 illustration.
Guillim’s Display of Heraldry: 113 illustrations.
Hamilton Field Hours: 1 illustration.
A Handbook of Ornament: 4 illustrations.
Harley MS 3244: 2 illustrations.
Harley MS 3860: 2 illustrations.
Harley MS 4751: 1 illustration.
Harley MS 5818: 2 illustrations.
Harley MS 6149: 2 illustrations.
Harley MS 709: 2 illustrations.
Hausbuch der Mendelschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung: 1 illustration.
Heraldik-Wiki: 3 illustrations.
Heraldry For the Local Historian and Genealogist: 1 illustration.
Heraldry, Ancient and Modern: 6 illustrations.
Hessisches Wappenbuch: 1 illustration.
Histoire du Verre L’Antiquite: 1 illustration.
Histoire Naturelle des Indes: 2 illustrations.
Historiae Animalium: 4 illustrations.
Historische Beschreibung der Kindtauf des Fräuleins Elisabeth zu Hessen: 14 illustrations.
The History of Music: 1 illustration.
Hours of François I: 2 illustrations.
Hours of the Earls of Ormond : 2 illustrations.
Hungarian National Archives: 2 illustrations.
Indice Armorial: 1 illustration.
Inscriptiones Monumentaque in Templis et Monasteriis Belgicis Inventa: 4 illustrations.
Insignia Equitum Gallici Ordinis Sancti Michaelis: 10 illustrations.
Insignia Neapolitanorum, Genuensium: 2 illustrations.
Insignia Pontificum Romanorum et Cardinalium I: 5 illustrations.
Insignia Veneta, Mantuana, Bononiensia, Anconitana, Urbinatia, Perugiensia: 10 illustrations.
Insignia Venetorum Nobilium I: 2 illustrations.
Jacques Prévert Ms. 57: 3 illustrations.
John Sellers's Practical Navigation: 1 illustration.
KBR MS II 6616: 2 illustrations.
Kitāb al-Bulhān: 4 illustrations.
Kitāb al-Ḥayawān: 2 illustrations.
Kitāb naʿt al-Jayawān: 2 illustrations.
Krótka Nauka o Kosach i Pikach: 1 illustration.
L'Ancienne France: 1 illustration.
Lambeth MS774: 20 illustrations.
Le Blason des Armes of Claude Nourry: 1 illustration.
Legende Doree, BNF Francais 242: 2 illustrations.
Les Armes et Blasons des Chevaliers de l'Ordre du St Esprit: 1 illustration.
Les Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne: 16 illustrations.
Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique: 1 illustration.
Libro II Della Natione Normanda: 4 illustrations.
Lienzos de Chiepetlan: 1 illustration.
Livre de la Recherche et du Recueil des Nobles du Bailliage de Saint-Mihiel et de Clermont: 2 illustrations.
Livro de Armas de Portugal e Outras Curiosidades: 1 illustration.
Luttrell Psalter: 5 illustrations.
Manchester Latin MS 28: 8 illustrations.
Manchester University English MS 15: 5 illustrations.
Manchester University Library Latin MS 28: 3 illustrations.
Met Museum: 6 illustrations.
Morgan Library MS G.7: 1 illustration.
Morgan Library MS M.1004: 1 illustration.
Morgan Library MS M.919: 1 illustration.
Navarre Roll: 2 illustrations.
Necrologium Minoritarum Ratisponensium: 2 illustrations.
Negen Wapens van Raden in de Vroedschap van Rotterdam: 1 illustration.
Nelson's Perpetual Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia: 1 illustration.
Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium: 2 illustrations.
OpenClipArt: 34 illustrations.
Opera Quae Extant Òmnia: 1 illustration.
Orgeltabulatur: 2 illustrations.
Ortus Sanitatis: 16 illustrations.
Oscott Psalter: 2 illustrations.
Outlines of Greek History: 1 illustration.
Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry: 4 illustrations.
Pierpont Morgan Library's MS M: 1 illustration.
Princeton University Garrett MS 158: 2 illustrations.
The Principles of Design: 17 illustrations.
Priorista di Giuliano de' Ricci: 6 illustrations.
Processional of Catarina de Carvalho: 5 illustrations.
Prodigorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon: 2 illustrations.
Queens College MS 72: 9 illustrations.
Recueil d'Armoiries Peintes: 1 illustration.
Recueil de Grand Nombre d'Écussons: 2 illustrations.
Recueil de Généalogies Anglaises, Accompagnées d'Armoiries: 1 illustration.
Recuil d'Armoiries Coloriées: 3 illustrations.
Reg. Lat. 2091: 4 illustrations.
Registered Pedigrees Vol. 12: 2 illustrations.
Roman mosaic: 2 illustrations.
Schrot’s Wappenbuch: 1 illustration.
The Seal of Saffron Walden: 2 illustrations.
Siegel des Mittelalters aus den Archiven der Stadt Lübeck: 1 illustration.
Silbereisen Chronicon Helvetiae: 1 illustration.
Simon Bening's book of hours: 1 illustration.
Simon Händel's Wappenbuch: 2 illustrations.
Smith's Ordinary: 6 illustrations.
Society of Antiquaries MS 644 Vol IX: 1 illustration.
Stamm- und Wappenbuch des Domherrn Matthaeus Marschall von Pappenheim: 6 illustrations.
Stammbaum Kaiser Karls IV: 5 illustrations.
Stammbuch Hans Ludwig Pfinzing von Henfenfeld: 2 illustrations.
The Stammbuch of Eberhard Werll: 2 illustrations.
Survey of London Monograph 16: 3 illustrations.
A System of Heraldry: 4 illustrations.
Takamiya MS 86: 3 illustrations.
Trachtenbuch des Christoph Weiditz: 5 illustrations.
Undated manuscript: 1 illustration.
Universeel Wapenboek: 10 illustrations.
University of Victoria Ms. Brown.Eng.2: 8 illustrations.
Utrecht Archives MS 421: 1 illustration.
Vatican MS Reg. lat. 809: 1 illustration.
Victoria and Albert Museum: 3 illustrations.
The VII Deidis of Honour: 14 illustrations.
Walters Ms. W.659: 2 illustrations.
Wapenboek van Gent: 12 illustrations.
Wappenbuch der Bruderschaft des heiligen Christophorus am Arlberg: 12 illustrations.
Wappenbuch des Heiligen Römischen Reiches: 1 illustration.
Wappenstammbuch - Cod. Karlsruhe 2821: 2 illustrations.
WappenWiki: 239 illustrations.
Weidtz trachtenbook, 1530: 2 illustrations.
Wellcome Collection: 4 illustrations.
Wikimedia Commons: 37 illustrations.
Wriothesley's Funeral Banners: 1 illustration.
Österreichische Chronik des Konrad Grünenberg: 2 illustrations.
Österreichisches Staatsarchiv: 1 illustration.