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Field Divisions |
Per Chevron: | Roots to base |
Ordinaries |
Bend: | Palewise, point to base (Bend Transfixed by Three Closing Nails); rampant (Bend Sinister Engouled by Lions); segreant (rampant wings addorsed) (Bend Engouled by Dragons) |
Cross: | Crosswise |
Saltire: | Saltirewise |
Saltorel: | Saltirewise |
Shapes & Symbols |
Ankh: | Crosswise |
Annulet: | Crosswise |
Billet: | Upright |
Card-Pique: | Palewise (Card-Pique); point to chief (Card-Pique) |
Chi-Rho: | Upright |
Compass Rose: | Highlighted point to chief |
Compass Star: | One point to chief |
Cornice: | One point to chief |
Crampon: | Palewise |
Cross (Charge): | Crosswise (Bowen Cross, Canterbury Cross, Coptic Cross, Cross Alisée, Cross Annuletty, Cross Barby, Cross Capital, Cross Clechy Voided, Cross Crescenty, Cross Crosslet Voided, Cross Fitchy, Cross Formy Calvary, Cross Formy Double-Pommeled at the Foot, Cross Formy Fitchy At The Foot, Cross Formy Fitchy at All Ends, Cross Glandular, Cross Miller, Cross Moline Disjointed, Cross Of Jerusalem, Cross Of Lorraine, Cross Pointed Voided, Cross Pointed Voided Pometty, Cross Potent Conjoined to an Annulet, Cross Potent Voided, Cross Swallowtailed Voided, Cross of Santiago, Cross of St. Brigid, Doubled Cross, Greek Cross, Latin Cross Bottony, Latin Cross Clechy, Latin Cross Couped, Latin Cross Flory, Latin Cross Fourchy, Latin Cross Patonce, Latin Cross Pomelly, Latin Cross or Passion Cross, Ragged Cross, Russian Orthodox Cross, Cross Bottony Fitchy, Cross Clechy, Cross Doubly Pommeled, Cross Floretty, Cross Formy Fitchy, Cross Of Calvary, Cross Of Santiago, Cross Pointed, Cross Swallowtailed, Cross Énchancré, Equal-Armed Celtic Cross, Key Cross, Norse Sun-Cross, Patriarchal Cross, Avellane Cross, Cross Fourchy, Cross Patonce, Maltese Cross, Cross Of Calatrava, Cross Pomelly, Cross Potent, Celtic Cross, Cross Bottony, Cross Crosslet, Cross Crosslet Fitchy, Cross Of Toulouse, Cross Flory, Cross Moline); crosswise throughout (Cross Rayonnant); crosswise, upright (Wooden Latin Cross Couped) |
Delf: | Flat side to base |
Ermine Spot: | Crosswise |
Escarbuncle: | One arm to chief |
Fylfot: | Crosswise |
Heart: | Point to base |
Knot: | Center loop to chief (Hungerford Knot); crosswise (Lacy Knot); ends in fess (Stafford Knot); fesswise (Wake Knot or Ormonde Knot); free ends to base (Agemaki Knot); one loop to chief (Trefoil Knot, Quatrefoil Knot); one point to chief (Lacy Knot); two loops to chief (Heneage Knot) |
Label: | Points to base |
Lozenge: | Crosswise (Cross of Four Lozenges); one point to chief (Three Lozenges Conjoined In Pall, Lozenge Ployé, Lozenge Pometty, Lozenge) |
Mandorla: | Points to chief and base |
Mascle: | One point to chief |
Masculyn: | One point to chief |
Mullet: | One point to chief |
Nailpuller: | One point to chief |
Polygon: | Flat side to base |
Rogacina: | Point to chief |
Roundel: | Delf with flat side to base |
Rustre: | One point to chief |
Spur-Rowel: | One point to chief |
Star of David: | One point to chief |
Tortoise-Shell Plate: | Point to chief |
Triangle: | Flat side to base (Three Triangles One and Two Conjoined, Three Triangles Two and One Conjoined); one point to chief (Triangle, Triangle Inverted Voided Bottony, Triangle Voided) |
Triquetra: | One point to chief |
Umebachi: | One circle to chief |
Valknut: | Points to chief |
Well Frame: | One corner to chief |
The World & Heavens |
Cloud: | Fesswise (Cloud); rays to base (Thunder-Cloud) |
Comet: | Palewise, tail to base |
Crescent: | Horns open to chief |
Estoile: | One point to chief |
Flame: | Tongues extending to chief |
Lightning: | Palewise |
Moon: | Affronty (Moon In Her Plenitude); points to dexter if “increscent,” or to sinister if “decrescent” (Increscent Moon) |
Mount: | Issuant from base |
Mountain: | Issuant from base |
Rainbow: | Fesswise enarched to chief |
Sunburst: | Rays to chief |
Thunderbolt: | Flame palewise, wings fesswise, lightning in saltire |
Wind: | Upright, facing dexter |
Plants |
Acanthus: | Stem to base |
Acorn: | Stem to chief |
Aloe Vera: | Points to chief |
Ananas: | Leaves to chief |
Angemme: | Affronty |
Apple: | Fruit to chief (Apple Tree); stem to chief (Apple Slipped and Leaved Inverted, Apple Sprig, Apple Slipped and Leaved, Apple) |
Ash: | Roots to base |
Aspen: | Stem to base |
Bamboo: | Palewise |
Banana: | Stem to chief |
Bean: | Stem to chief (Beanpod); unclear (Bean) |
Bedstraw: | Stems to base |
Beech: | Stem to base |
Belladona: | Upright |
Birch: | Stem to base |
Blackberry: | Stems to base |
Borage: | Blossom affronty |
Branch: | Palewise |
Broom: | Pods to chief |
Cabbage: | Stem to base |
Cacao: | Stem to base |
Carrot: | Stem to chief |
Cattail: | Upright |
Chrysanthemum: | Affronty (Chrysanthemum of 14 Petals, Chrysanthemum of 12 Petals); stem to base (Chrysanthemum Leaf) |
Cinquefoil: | One point to chief |
Citron: | Stem to chief |
Clove: | Palewise, tips to chief |
Columbine: | Pendent to dexter |
Coral: | Branching to chief |
Cowslip: | Stem to base |
Créquier: | Roots to base |
Cucumber: | Stem to chief |
Daisy: | Affronty |
Dandelion: | Affronty |
Dogwood: | Affronty |
Eggplant: | Fruit with stems to chief; plant with roots to base |
Eidelweiss: | Blossom affronty |
Elder: | Stem to base |
Elderflower: | Stem to base |
Fig: | Stem to base |
Flax: | Stem to base |
Fleur de Lys: | Point to chief |
Foxglove: | Stem to base |
Garlic: | Bulb to base |
Gentian: | Blossoms to chief |
Gillyflower: | Affronty, or nearly so |
Ginger: | Palewise |
Ginkgo: | Stem to base |
Gourd: | Stem to chief |
Grape: | Stem to base (Bunch of Grapes, Grape Leaf, Grape Vine); stem to chief (Bunch of Grapes Slipped and Leaved) |
Hazel: | Stem to base |
Heather: | Stem to base |
Hemp: | Stem to base |
Holly: | Stem to base |
Hop: | Stem to chief |
Hysop: | Stems to base |
Ivy: | Stem to base |
Juniper: | Stem to base |
Lady's Mantle: | Stem to base |
Laurel: | Stem to base |
Lavender: | Stem to base |
Leek: | Bulb to base |
Lemon: | Stem to chief |
Lemon Balm: | Stem to base |
Lettuce: | Roots to base |
Lilac: | Stem to base |
Lily: | Stem to base |
Linden: | In pall (Three Linden Leaves Conjoined In Pall); roots to base (Linden Tree, Linden Tree Issuant from Base, Linden Tree Eradicated); stem to base (Linden Branch, Linden Branch of Three Leaves Throughout Bendwise, Linden Leaf Inverted, Linden Leaf Inverted Slipped to Base, Linden Leaf Issuant from a Ragged Staff, Linden Branch Twined on Itself, Linden Leaf, Linden Tree Eradicated) |
Lotus: | Affronty |
Magnolia: | Upright |
Maize: | Stem to base |
Mallow: | Roots to base |
Mandrake: | Affronty, feet to base |
Maple: | Stem to base |
Marigold: | Unknown |
Millet: | Stem to base |
Mistletoe: | Stem to base |
Morning Glory: | Stems to base |
Mulberry: | Stem to base |
Mushroom: | Stem to base |
Nadeshiko: | Affronty |
Nesselblatt: | One large point to base |
Nettle: | Stem to base |
Nopal: | Stem to base |
Oak: | Roots to base (Oak Tree, Oak Tree Eradicated, Oak Tree Fructed, Oak Tree Fructed and Eradicated); stem to base (Oak Sprig, Six Oak Leaves In Annulo, Oak Sprig Fructed, Oak Leaf) |
Octofoil: | One point to chief |
Olive: | Palewise |
Onion: | Bulb to base |
Palm: | Palewise, leaves to chief |
Pansy: | Blossom affronty; stem to base |
Pea: | Stem to base |
Pear: | Stem to chief (Pear Slipped and Leaved, Pear); trunk to base (Pear Tree) |
Peony: | Blossom affronty |
Pepper: | Stem to chief |
Pine: | Roots to base |
Plane: | Roots to base |
Pomegranate: | Stem to base |
Poplar: | Stem to base |
Pumpkin: | Stem to chief |
Quatrefoil: | One point to chief |
Quince: | Stem to base |
Radish: | Upright |
Rose: | Blossom affronty |
Rowan: | Roots to base (Rowan Tree, Rowan Tree Eradicated); stem to base (Cluster of Rowan Berries, Sprig of Rowan Leaves) |
Rue: | Stem to base |
Seeblatt: | Opening to chief |
Sexfoil: | One point to chief |
Shamrock: | Slip to base |
Sprig: | Stem to base |
Star-of-Bethlehem: | One point to chief |
Strawberry: | Roots to base (Strawberry Plant); stem to base (Strawberry Leaf); stem to chief (Strawberry) |
Sunflower: | Affronty |
Tabacco: | Palewise |
Teazel: | Stem to base |
Thistle: | Palewise, in profile; slipped and leaved by default |
Thorn: | Roots to base |
Tomato: | Stem to base |
Tree: | Roots to base |
Trefoil: | Slip to base |
Trillium: | Affronty, one large petal to base (Trillium Barbed and Seeded); one point to base (Trillium) |
Tulip: | Stem to base |
Turnip: | Roots to base |
Walnut: | Seam palewise |
Wheat: | Stem to base (Ear of Wheat, Stalk of Wheat); stems to base (Sheaf of Wheat, Garb of Wheat) |
Willow: | Roots to base |
Wood Sorrel: | Blossoms affronty; stems to base |
Wreath: | In annulo |
Invertebrates |
Bee: | Volant in arrière |
Butterfly: | Volant in arrière |
Cicada: | Tergiant |
Claw: | Tergiant |
Crab: | Tergiant |
Crayfish: | Tergiant |
Cricket: | Tergiant |
Dragonfly: | Volant in arrière |
Grasshopper: | Tergiant |
Ladybird: | Tergiant |
Lobster: | Tergiant |
Moth: | Volant in arrière |
Prawn: | Tergiant |
Scorpion: | Tergiant |
Slug: | Facing dexter |
Snail: | Facing dexter (Snail, Snail Erect); opening to dexter chief (Snail Shell) |
Spider: | Tergiant |
Stag Beetle: | Tergiant |
Wasp: | Volant in arrière |
Fishes |
Barbel: | Naiant |
Calamarie: | Tentacles to chief |
Carp: | Naiant |
Catfish: | Naiant |
Chabot: | Tergiant |
Cuttlefish: | Unknown, perhaps arms to chief as with the calamarie |
Dolphin: | Naiant |
Eel: | Naiant |
Escallop: | Hinge to chief |
Fish: | Naiant |
Goldfish: | Naiant |
Lamprey: | Naiant |
Lucy: | Naiant |
Manatee: | Naiant |
Monkfish: | Tergiant |
Polypus: | Tentacles to base |
Salmon: | Naiant |
Sea-Bear: | Erect |
Sea-Boar: | Erect |
Sea-Dog: | Erect |
Sea-Dragon: | Erect |
Sea-Fox: | Erect |
Sea-Goat: | Erect |
Sea-Horse: | Erect |
Sea-Lion: | Erect |
Sea-Monster: | Erect |
Sea-Otter: | Erect |
Sea-Rhino: | Erect |
Sea-Tortoise: | Tergiant palewise |
Sea-Wolf: | Erect |
Skate: | Tergiant |
Stockfish: | Tergiant |
Trout: | Naiant |
Turbot: | Tergiant |
Whale: | Naiant |
Whelk: | Point to base |
Reptiles |
Basilisk: | Statant, wings addorsed |
Caduceus: | Upright |
Caldera Gringolada: | Upright |
Chameleon: | Statant |
Cockatrice: | Statant wings addorsed |
Dragon: | Segreant (rampant wings addorsed) |
Frog: | Tergiant |
Hydra: | Segreant (rampant wings addorsed) |
Rod of Asclepius: | Upright |
Salamander: | Statant |
Toad: | Tergiant |
Tortoise: | Tergiant |
Wyvern: | Sejant or statant, considered equivalent for wyverns (Wyvern Wings Displayed); statant, wings addorsed (Wyvern Dexter Forepaw Raised, Wyvern Erect Wings Displayed, Wyvern Passant, Wyvern Sejant Erect Affronty Wings Displayed, Wyvern Tail Nowed, Wyvern Wings Displayed, Wyvern Erect, Wyvern) |
Birds |
Alerion: | Displayed |
Auk: | Close |
Bat: | Displayed guardant |
Bird: | Close (Bird Regardant, Bird Rising Regardant Wings Addorsed, Bird Rising Wings Addorsed, Bird Rising, Bird Volant Wings Addorsed, Bird); palewise, claws to base (Bird's Jambe Conjoined to a Wing, Bird's Jambe Conjoined to a Wing Involved, Bird's Jambe Erased, Bird's Jambe Couped) |
Chough: | Close |
Cock: | Close |
Cormorant: | Close |
Coxcomb: | Fringe to chief |
Crane: | Close, typically drawn with one leg raised, frequently shown holding a rock, which may be blazoned “in its vigilance” |
Crow: | Close |
Dove: | Close |
Duck: | Close |
Eagle: | Displayed (Eagle Statant with Wings Displayed, Eagle Statant with Wings Displayed And an Escroll, Eagle Striking, Eagle Trussing an Infant, Eagle's Head Erased, Triple-Headed Eagle, Double-headed Eagle, Eagle's Leg Erased, Eagle’s Head Couped, Eagle Rising, Eagle’s Head Erased, Double-Headed Eagle, Eagle); palewise, claws to base (Eagle's Leg Erased, Eagle's Leg Erased Grasping A Fish) |
Egg: | Palewise |
Falcon: | Close |
Feather: | Quill to base |
Flamingo: | Close |
Goose: | Close |
Hawk: | Close |
Hen: | Close (Hen); statant close (Hen) |
Heron: | Statant close |
Hummingbird: | Close |
Lure: | Cord to chief |
Macaw: | Close |
Magpie: | Close |
Martlet: | Close |
Merlette: | Close |
Moorcock: | Close |
Ostrich: | Close |
Owl: | Close guardant |
Panache: | Quills to base |
Peacock: | Close (Peacock One Leg Raised, Peacock In His Pride, Peacock); quill to base (Peacock Sword Feather, Peacock Feather) |
Pelican: | Close |
Penguin: | Statant close |
Pheasant: | Close |
Phoenix: | Displayed (Phoenix); displayed; always shown rising from flames (Phoenix) |
Pigeon: | Close |
Poppinjay: | Close |
Porphyrio: | Close |
Puffin: | Close |
Raven: | Close |
Robin: | Close |
Sparrow: | Close |
Stork: | Close |
Swan: | Rousant |
Titmouse: | Close |
Turkeycock: | Statant close, tail displayed |
Vol: | Displayed |
Wing: | Dexter wing displayed (Wing Conjoined to a Hand, Wing); displayed inverted (Wings Conjoined In Lure); volant in arrière (Bee's Wing) |
Wood Cock: | Close |
Beasts |
Badger: | Statant |
Bear: | Upright, claws to dexter |
Boar: | Upright, facing dexter |
Buffalo: | Point to chief |
Elephant: | Statant |
Fang: | Point to base |
Fleece: | Feet down, head to dexter |
Griffin: | Rampant, blazoned “segreant” |
Hedgehog: | Statant |
Ibex: | Point to chief |
Keythong: | Rampant |
Lamb: | Passant |
Leopard: | Rampant |
Lion: | Claws to chief (Lion's Jambe Couped, Lion's Jambe Erased); rampant (Bicorporate Lion, Lion Collared and Chained, Lion Courant, Lion Coward, Lion Dormant, Lion Double Queued, Lion Guardant, Lion Passant Reguardant, Lion Salient Tail Nowed, Lion Sejant Affronty, Lion Sejant Affronty Queue Fourchy, Lion Sejant Dexter Forepaw Raised, Lion Sejant Erect Regardant, Lion Sejant Guardant, Lion Sejant Maintaining a Ball, Lion Sejant Regardant, Lion Sejant in a Chair Maintaining a Pole Axe, Lion Statant Guardant, Lion Vulned, Lion with Paw Upturned, Lion's Head Couped, Winged Lion Passant, Winged Lion Passant Regardant, Winged Lion Salient, Winged Lion Segreant, Lion Queue Nowed, Lion Regardant, Lion Sejant Erect, Lion's Head Jessant-de-Lys, Lion Couchant, Lion Couchant Head Lowered, Lion Queue Fourchy, Lion Salient, Lion Sejant, Lion's Head Cabossed, Lion Statant, Lion Queue Forchy, Lion's Head Erased, Lion Passant Guardant, Lion Passant, Lion's Queue Couped, Lion) |
Lion-Dragon: | Sejant |
Otter: | Statant, perhaps; best to blazon explicitly |
Ounce: | Rampant |
Pawprint: | Toes to chief |
Porcupine: | Statant |
Rabbit: | Sejant |
Ram: | Point to chief |
Rhinoceros: | Statant |
Squirrel: | Sejant erect |
Stag: | Horns to chief |
Unicorn: | Rampant |
Arm: | Dexter arm, hand to chief (Arm Couped, Arm Couped Maintaining a Dagger, Arm Couped with Fingers Extended, Arm Embowed Maintaining a Scimitar, Arm Fesswise Maintaining A Club, Arm In Armor Fesswise Embowed Brandishing A Sword, Arm Vested, Arm Vested Fesswise, Arm Vested Fesswise Maintaining a Gemmed Ring, Arm Vested Fesswise With A Hand Of Benediction, Arm in Armor Embowed, Cubit Arm in Armor, Two Arms Issuant with Hands Clasped, Two Arms Vested Issuant with Hands Clasped, Arm Fesswise Couped Maintaining A Scarf, Arm Embowed); dexter arm, hand to chief, fingers clenched (Cubit Arm, Cubit Arm Vested, Cubit Arm with Fingers Extended) |
Beard: | Upright |
Bone: | Always shown in pairs issuant from the sides of the field (Three Pairs of Rib Bones); palewise (Bone, Two Bones In Cross) |
Eye: | Fesswise |
Foot: | Close (Duck's Foot); palewise, claws to base (Bird's Foot, Eagle's Foot Couped); upright, toes to dexter (Foot Couped) |
Hand: | Dexter hand apaumy, fingers to chief (Hand Couped Close, Hand Couped Maintaining a Quill Pen, Hand Erased, Hand Issuant from a Cloud, Hand of Benediction, Hand with Middle Finger Extended, Pair of Hands, Clawed Hand Aversed, Hand Couped); fesswise (Foi) |
Head: | Affronty |
Leg: | Dexter leg, foot to base |
Mask: | Fesswise (Domino Mask); upright (Comedy Mask, Mummer's Mask, Tragedy Mask, Visard Mask) |
Skeleton: | Upright affronty |
Skull: | Affronty |
Tail: | Rampant |
Testicles: | Points to dexter chief |
Tooth: | Roots to base |
Tusk: | Statant |
People |
Angel: | Statant affronty (Angel Statant Upon A Cloud, Angel Volant With a Scroll Issuant From Its Mouth); statant affronty, wings displayed (Angel Armed, Angel) |
Breast: | Affronty |
Centaur: | Erect |
Cherub: | Affronty |
Child: | Statant affronty |
Crucifix: | Crosswise, upright |
Dextrochère: | Dexter arm fesswise embowed |
Fist: | Dexter hand, fingers to chief |
Fool: | Affronty |
Footprint: | Toes to chief |
Frauenadler: | Affronty guardant displayed |
Gorgon: | Affronty |
Harpy: | Close guardant |
Hercules: | Statant affronty |
Janus: | Upright, facing both ways |
Man: | Dexter leg, foot to base (Hyena-Headed Man, Hyena-Headed Man With One Foot on a Barrel); facing dexter (Hooded Man's Head Couped at the Shoulders, Man's Head Cabossed, Man's Head Couped, Man's Head Couped Maintaining a Crown, Man's Head Couped at the Shoulders, Man's Head Couped at the Shoulders Wearing a Hat, Man's Head Wearing a Hat Issuant from Base, Savage's Head Affronty, Man's Head Couped Maintaining a Hat); statant affronty (Armed Demi-Man Drawing a Bow, Armed Man, Demi-Man Vested, Hooded Man Maintaining a Bowl and Staff, Man Hooded and Robed with Arms Extended, Man In A Boat Holding Arrows Inverted, Man Robed, Man Seated Upon a Throne, Man Vested and Maintaining a Scythe, Nude Man, Man Vested, Moor's Head Couped at the Shoulders) |
Melusine: | Erect affronty |
Mermaid: | Erect affronty |
Merman: | Erect affronty |
Monk: | Statant affronty |
Moor: | Facing dexter (Moor's Head Couped); statant affronty (Moor Passant, Moor's Head Couped Maintaining a Crown, Moor's Head Couped) |
Mouth: | Fesswise |
Saracen: | Facing dexter |
Savage: | Facing dexter |
Seraph: | Affronty |
Tress: | End to base |
Viking: | Statant affronty |
Woman: | Statant affronty |
Wound: | Gouty to base |
Food |
Amphora: | Upright |
Barrel: | Fesswise |
Beaker: | Upright |
Bottle: | Upright |
Bowl: | Upright, in profile or three-quarter view |
Bread: | Fesswise |
Cauldron: | Upright |
Chalice: | Palewise |
Cheese: | Fesswise (Wheel of Cheese); if a wedge, point to dexter (Wedge of Cheese) |
Churn: | Found in period with handle to base (Churning Staff); plunger to chief (Butter Churn) |
Cleaver: | Handle to base, cutting to dexter |
Cornucopia: | Palewise opening to chief |
Costrel: | Opening to chief (Leather Costrel, Wooden Costrel, Costrel); upright (Leather Bottle) |
Cup: | Upright |
Drinking Horn: | Curving to dexter, opening to chief |
Flask: | Opening to chief |
Flesh Hook: | Hooks to chief |
Fleshpot: | Opening to chief |
Flour: | Peak to chief |
Fork: | Palewise, handle to base |
Funnel: | Upright, spout to base |
Goblet: | Upright |
Grater: | Palewise |
Gridiron: | Handle to base |
Ham: | Meaty end to dexter, foot to sinister |
Kettle: | Opening to chief |
Kettle Hook: | Triangular, point to base |
Knife: | Point to chief, cutting to dexter |
Ladle: | Fesswise, handle to sinister |
Mash Rake: | Head to chief |
Mortar: | Aiming to dexter |
Oven: | Dome to chief |
Pan: | Palewise, handle to base |
Peel: | Palewise, handle to base |
Pie: | Palewise, perhaps somewhat trian |
Pitcher: | Palewise, spout to dexter |
Platter: | Affronty or three-quarter view |
Pot: | Palewise, spout to dexter (Spouted Pot); upright (Footed Pot) |
Salt Barrel: | Opening to top |
Saltcellar: | Palewise (Covered Saltcellar, Covered Saltcellar Shedding Salt); upright (Covered Saltcellar Shedding Salt) |
Scoop: | Bucket to chief, opening to dexter |
Skimmer: | Palewise, handle to chief |
Spit: | Point to chief |
Spoon: | Palewise, handle to base |
Tankard: | Upright |
Trammel Hook: | Palewise |
Trivet: | In annulo, all three legs visible |
Clothing |
Angles: | Two braced in pale |
Arms of von Bellersheim) Belt, Loose: | Buckle to chief |
Bag: | Opening to chief |
Belt: | Buckle to chief |
Belt Pouch: | Loops to chief |
Bobbin: | Palewise, threaded end to chief |
Boot: | Sole to base, toe to dexter |
Breeches: | Legs to base |
Brimmed Hat: | Upright |
Broach: | Point to chief |
Brogue: | Upright, toe to dexter |
Brush: | Handle to base |
Button: | Unknown |
Bycocket: | Upright |
Cap: | Brim to base (Jester's Cap); upright (Phrygian Cap, Cap of Mercury); upright, tails to sinister (Albanian Cap, Cap of Maintenance) |
Collar: | In annulo |
Comb: | Fesswise (Comb); teeth to base (Hair Comb) |
Crown: | Fesswise (Crown Vallary, Crown of Grass, Crown of Leaves, Crown of Mullets, Crown of Myrtle, Dovetailed Crown, Embattled Crown Gemmed, Naval Crown, Triumphal Crown, Crown of Oak Leaves, Embattled Crown, Imperial Crown, Saxon Crown, Crown, Eastern Crown, Pearled Crown, Baronial Crown, Crown Flory); upright (Saxon Crown, Crown Flory) |
Distaff: | Handle to base, loaded with fibers |
Eyeglasses: | Lenses fesswise, bridge to chief |
Garter: | In annulo, loose end to base |
Glove: | Dexter hand, apaumy, fingers to chief |
Hat: | Brim to base (Sugar-loaf Hat); point to chief (Jew's Hat); upright (Hat, Slovene Hat) |
Hempbreak: | Legs to base |
Hood: | Upright, facing dexter |
Hose: | Palewise, opening to chief |
Ice Skate: | The only known period grant has them palewise, point to chief |
Joscelyn: | Torse in annulo, bells in saltire |
Loose Belt: | Buckle to chief |
Mantle: | Upright affronty |
Maunch: | Wrist to dexter, elbow bent to base |
Mirror: | Handle to base |
Mitre: | Upright |
Mitten: | Dexter hand apaumy, fingertips to chief |
Needle: | Palewise (Double Ended Knitting Needle); point to base (Needle Piercing, Threaded Needle, Needle) |
Niddy-Noddy: | Palewise |
Paternoster: | Tassel to base |
Peruke: | Upright |
Pressing Iron: | Handle to chief |
Quill: | Palewise |
Ring: | Gem to chief |
Scarf: | Loose ends to base |
Scissors: | Palewise, points to chief |
Scrip: | Opening to chief |
Shears: | Palewise, points to base |
Shoe: | Sole to base, toe to dexter |
Shuttle: | Fesswise |
Sole: | Toe to chief (Sole); toes to chief (Sole Of A Foot) |
Spindle: | Palewise (Drop Spindle); point to chief (Spindle) |
Tabard: | Upright and affronty |
Tablet: | Flat side to base |
Tassel: | Threads to base |
Thimble: | Palewise, opening to base |
Thread: | Palewise |
Torc: | Opening to base |
Torse: | In annulo |
Tunic: | Upright |
Wool Card: | Handle to base |
Wool Comb: | Palewise, handle to base |
Yarn: | Palewise |
Yarn Swift: | Upright |
Tools |
Adze: | Handle to base, cutting to dexter |
Anvil: | Flat surface to chief |
Auger: | Upright |
Awl: | Point to chief |
Axe: | Blades to base and chief (Chipping Axe); handle to base, blade to dexter (Broad Axe, Throwing Axe, Battle-Axe, Double-Sided Battle-Axe, Axe); palewise, blade to dexter chief (Axe) |
Axe Head: | Blade to dexter (Axe-Head); handle to base, blade to dexter (Battle-Axe Head) |
Balance: | Fesswise (Hanging Balance); upright (Standing Balance) |
Bellows: | Spout to base |
Block Plane: | Fesswise, cutting to sinister |
Calipers: | Points to base, arms spread |
Chisel: | Palewise, handle to base |
Compass: | Points to base, arms spread |
Drawknife: | Handles to base |
Drill: | Upright |
Float: | Handle to chief |
Hammer: | Head to chief, striking to dexter |
Hod: | Palewise, opening to chief |
Ladder: | Upright |
Lime Kiln Fork: | Tines to chief |
Mallet: | Head to chief, striking to dexter |
Nail: | Palewise, point to base |
Pick: | Fesswise, pointing to dexter |
Pliers: | Handles to base |
Plummet: | Hanging loop to chief |
Punch: | Head to chief |
Punner: | Palewise |
Rasp: | Handle to base |
Royne: | Bar palewise, curve to chief |
Saw: | Fesswise, blade to base |
Shave: | Fesswise |
Shavehook: | Handle to base |
Staple: | Points to base |
Strike: | Carrying handle to chief |
Tenterhook: | Point to base |
Tongs: | Handles to base |
Trowel: | Palewise, handle to base |
Weight: | Hole to chief (Balance Weight); notches in fess (Fundou) |
Whetstone: | Fesswise |
Winde: | Unknown |
Buildings |
Andiron: | Upright |
Anille: | Fesswise |
Arch: | Upright |
Baldaquin: | Point to chief |
Bascule: | Palewise, sliding to chief |
Bathtub: | Upright |
Beacon: | Flame to chief (Beacon); upright (Beacon) |
Bridge: | Fesswise |
Castle: | Upright |
Chair: | Upright |
Chest: | Fesswise |
Church: | Upright |
City: | Upright |
City Wall: | In annulo |
Column: | Palewise |
Cresset: | Flame to chief |
Dolmen: | Upright |
Door: | Upright |
Door Bolt: | Fesswise |
Drawbridge: | Seen from above |
Fence: | Fesswise (Circular Wicker Fence, Wicker Fence); fesswise throughout (Wicker Fence Issuant From Base) |
Fireplace: | Upright affronty |
Fountain: | Opening to chief |
Fountain Spout: | Fesswise, flowing to dexter |
House: | Upright |
Keystone: | Wide edge to chief |
Lighthouse: | Upright |
Lock Plate: | Flat side to base |
Obelisk: | Point to chief |
Park Pales: | Palewise |
Pavilion: | Upright |
Portcullis: | Upright |
Pylon: | Upright |
Pyramid: | Point to chief |
Quoin: | Narrow edge to chief |
Sepulcher Stone: | Fesswise in simplified perspective |
Siege Tower: | Palewise |
Staircase: | Bendwise throughout |
Stool: | Legs to base |
Table: | Legs to base |
Table-Trestle: | Fesswise, legs to base |
Torii: | Upright |
Tower: | Palewise |
Truss: | Chevronwise |
Wall: | Fesswise throughout (Wall, Wall Couped, Wall Couped with Two Arched Doorways, Wall Enarched, Wall Unembattled, Wall Couped with An Arched Doorway); upright (Wall Issuant From Base, Wall Issuant From Base With Gate) |
Watchtower: | Upright |
Well: | Opening to chief |
Windmill: | Upright, vanes saltirewise |
Zule: | Central portion palewise |
Arts & Sciences |
Abacus: | Fesswise with sliding rails palewise |
Apothecary Jar: | Cover to chief |
Ark: | Upright |
Armillary Sphere: | Stand to base |
Aspersorium: | Upright |
Athanor: | Upright |
Bagpipe: | Chanter to dexter base |
Bauble: | Head to chief |
Bell: | Handle to chief (Handbell); loop to chief (Hawk's Bell); palewise (Bell) |
Book: | Fesswise (Open Book); spine to chief (Closed Book) |
Bowling Pin: | Point to chief |
Burnisher: | Handle to base |
Caligraphy Knife: | Blade to chief |
Censer: | Upright |
Chess Piece: | Forked end to chief (Chess Rook); palewise (Chess Bishop); palewise, facing dexter (One-Headed Chess Knight); solid end to base (Chess Piece) |
Clarion: | Curlicue to dexter base |
Cornetto: | Mouthpiece to chief |
Cow-Bell: | Upright |
Crozier: | Curl to chief and dexter (Crook of Basel); palewise, handle to dexter chief (Crozier) |
Cupping Glass: | Opening to chief |
Dice: | Affronty in trian aspect (Egyptian Twenty-Sided Die); affronty, often in trian aspect (Die) |
Diptych Sundial: | Upright |
Drum: | Head to chief (Drum, Kettle Drum); palewise (Dumbek Drum) |
Drumstick: | Palewise, head to chief |
Fleam: | Blade to chief, curved handle to base |
Frame: | Legs to base |
Game Board: | Flat side to base |
Golf Club: | Club to base |
Harp: | Upright |
Hautboy: | Palewise, mouthpiece to chief |
Hobbyhorse: | Head to chief, facing dexter |
Hourglass: | Palewise |
Lancet: | Point to chief |
Lute: | Neck to chief |
Lyre: | Upright |
Mjolnir: | Head to base |
Mosaic Tablets: | Upright |
Mouth Harp: | Ends to chief |
Musical Note: | Upright |
Ombrellino: | Handle to base |
Organ Pipe: | Palewise, open end to chief |
Paintbrush: | Palewise, brush to chief |
Panpipe: | Palewise |
Pen: | Palewise, point to base (Quill Pen); quill to base (Quill Pen) |
Penbox: | Fesswise |
Polo Stick: | Curved end to chief |
Press: | Shafts palewise |
Psaltery: | Unknown |
Quadrant: | Arm pendant to base |
Rackett: | Mouthpiece to chief |
Retort: | Outlet to dexter |
Scroll: | Palewise |
Shofar: | Fesswise, bell to dexter |
Spatula: | Handle to base |
Stilts: | Upright |
Tambourine: | Affronty |
Thyrsus: | Head to chief |
Trumpet: | Bell to chief |
Umbrella: | Handle to base |
Urinal: | Upright |
Vielle: | Palewise, frets to chief |
Viol: | Palewise, frets to chief |
Violin: | Palewise, frets to chief |
Whirligig: | Upright |
Writ: | Upright |
Zill: | Strap to chief, or a pair facing each other |
Farming |
Bag of Madder: | Fesswise |
Barnacles: | Hinge to chief |
Beehive: | Upright |
Bridle: | Bit to chief |
Bucket: | Handle to chief |
Carriage Frame: | Chassis palewise (Carriage Frame); chassis palewise, axles fesswise (Carriage Frame) |
Clog: | Clog palewise |
Coulter: | Point to chief, cutting to dexter |
Crook: | Palewise, handle to dexter chief |
Dovecote: | Upright |
Fan: | Handle to base (Feather Fan, Folding Fan); handle to chief (Winnowing Fan) |
Fetterlock: | Open, bolt to base, keyhole to dexter |
Flail: | Handle to base |
Gate: | Fesswise |
Hames: | Palewise |
Harrow: | Pulling loop to chief |
Hay House: | Upright |
Hayfork: | Handle to base |
Hide: | Head to chief |
Hoe: | Blade to chief, as of the March 2021 Cover Letter |
Horseshoe: | Opening to base |
Hunting Horn: | Curved to base, opening to dexter |
Mill: | Horizontal stone with axle to chief |
Mill Wheel: | In annulo |
Millrind: | Palewise (Millrind); saltirewise (Millrind) |
Millstone: | Affronty |
Pitchfork: | Tines to chief |
Plow: | Fesswise, pulling to dexter |
Plowshare: | Point to chief |
Pruning Hook: | Blade to chief |
Pruning Knife: | Blade to chief |
Rake: | Palewise, handle to base (Rake); teeth to base (Rake Head) |
Rastrillo: | Teeth to base |
Saddle: | Upright (Saddle Pommel); upright, facing dexter (Saddle, Saddle with Stirrups) |
Scythe: | Handle to base, point to dexter (Scythe); point to chief (Scythe Blade) |
Shovel: | Handle to chief |
Sickle: | Handle to base, point to dexter |
Snaffle-Bit: | Fesswise |
Spade: | Handle to chief (Spade); point to base (Spade-Iron) |
Spur: | Rowel to chief |
Stirrup: | Upright |
Tub: | Opening to chief |
Turning Cratch: | Upright |
Wagon: | Wheels to base, driving to dexter |
Wool-Pack: | Fesswise |
Yoke: | Fesswise |
Ships & Fishing |
Anchor: | Upright |
Canoe: | Traveling to dexter |
Caravel: | Upright, sailing to dexter |
Coracle: | Sailing to dexter |
Drakkar: | Sailing to dexter |
Eel Basket: | Fesswise |
Eel-Fork: | Points to base |
Fishhook: | Point to dexter chief |
Gondola: | Fesswise, sailing to dexter |
Grappling Iron: | Tines to base |
Harpoon: | Point to chief |
Hulk: | Upright, sailing to dexter |
Lymphad: | Upright, sailing to dexter |
Oar: | Handle to base |
Oarlock: | Upright |
Rowboat: | Traveling to dexter |
Rudder: | Fesswise, handle to sinister (Rudder Pole); palewise, hinges to dexter (Rudder) |
Sail: | Billowing, hanging from a horizontal yard |
Salmon Spear: | Points to base |
Trident: | Points to chief |
Trireme: | Sailing to dexter |
Whistle: | Fesswise, mouthpiece to dexter |
Military |
Armor Stand: | Upright |
Arrow: | Point to base |
Arrowhead: | Point to base |
Artillery Ladle: | Scoop to chief |
Artillery Sponge: | Sponge to chief |
Battering Ram: | Fesswise |
Battle Axe: | Handle to base, blade to dexter (Pole Axe); palewise, point to chief, cutting to dexter (Bardiche Axe, Sparth Axe); point to chief, cutting to dexter (Pole Axe) |
Billhook: | Point to chief |
Bird-Blunt: | Point to base |
Bow: | Palewise, shooting to dexter, or when fesswise, shooting to chief |
Breastplate: | Upright |
Broad-arrow: | Point to base |
Caltrop: | Point to chief |
Camail: | Point to base |
Cannon: | Aiming to dexter |
Catapult: | Upright |
Chamber: | Fesswise, firing to dexter |
Chamfron: | Affronty and upright |
Club: | Palewise, handle to base |
Crampet: | Point to base |
Cronel: | Points to chief |
Crossbow: | Pointing to chief |
Cuisse: | Palewise |
Cutlass: | Point to chief |
Dagger: | Point to chief |
Elbow Guard: | Elbow to sinister |
Falchion: | Palewise, opening to chief |
Fasces: | Blade to chief, cutting to dexter |
Fauchard: | Point to chief |
Fletching: | Palewise, point to base |
Gauntlet: | Dexter hand apaumy (Clenched Gauntlet, Clenched Gauntlet Flexed at the Wrist, Gauntlet, Gauntlet Aversed); dexter hand, fingers to chief (Clenched Gauntlet) |
Gibbet: | Upright |
Glaive: | Point to chief, cutting to dexter |
Grenade: | Flame to chief |
Gun Flask: | Spout to chief |
Halberd: | Point to chief, cutting to dexter |
Handgun: | Fesswise, firing to dexter (Arquebus); fesswise, shooting to dexter (Musket, Petronel, Pistol) |
Handgun Rest: | Palewise, fork to chief |
Helm: | Affronty (Horned Close Helm); facing dexter (Corinthian Helm, Helm Affronty, Kettle Helm Affronty, Morion Helm, Norman Helm Affronty, Ocular Helm Affronty, Turkish Helm, Winged Great Helm Affronty Wings Elevated, Winged Great Helm Affronty Wings Inverted, Close Helm Affronty, Great Helm, Great Helm Affronty, Close Helm); upright, facing dexter (Great Helm) |
Lance: | Point to chief |
Linstock: | Matches to chief |
Mace: | Hilt to base |
Mail: | Upright and affronty |
Morion: | Crest to chief |
Morningstar: | Hilt to base |
Partisan: | Point to chief |
Pauldron: | Dexter shoulder, upright |
Pennon: | Pole upright, flag to dexter |
Pheon: | Point to base |
Pole-Cannon: | Palewise, firing to chief |
Quiver: | Upright |
Rapier: | Palewise, point to chief |
Rocket: | Flames to base |
Scabbard: | Palewise, opening to chief |
Scaling Ladder: | Palewise, hooks to chief |
Scimitar: | Palewise, point to chief (Scimitar); point to chief, cutting to dexter (Scimitar) |
Scourge: | Handle to base |
Sling: | Stone to base |
Slingstaff: | Stone to base |
Solleret: | Fesswise, pointing to dexter |
Spanning Hook: | Hook to chief, pointing to dexter |
Spanning Iron: | Hooks to chief |
Spear: | Point to chief |
Streitgabelklinge: | Points to chief |
Sword: | Point to chief |
Truncheon: | Palewise, point to chief |
War Hammer: | Head to chief, striking to dexter |
War-Scythe: | Point to chief |
War Wagon: | Wheels to base |
Zulfikar: | Point to chief |
Assorted Objects |
Axle Pin: | Upright |
Baby Walker: | Wheels to base, third wheel rolling to dexter |
Banner: | Pole upright |
Basket: | Handle to chief (Winnowing Basket); upright (Hand-Basket) |
Besom: | Palewise, bristles to chief |
Bezel-Set Gemstone: | Viewed from above |
Candelabrum: | Upright |
Candle: | Palewise |
Candlestick: | Palewise |
Catherine Wheel: | In annulo |
Cog-Wheel: | Affronty |
Cushion: | Square |
Firebrand: | Palewise, flames to chief |
Furison: | Fesswise, handles to chief |
Gemstone: | Viewed from above (French-Cut Gemstone, French-Cut Gemstone In Profile, Hexagonal Gemstone, Indented Gemstone); viewed from above, palewise (Step-Cut Gemstone) |
Gonfalon: | Tails to base |
Hook: | Points to base (Tent Hook); twist to chief (Spring Hook) |
Key: | Palewise (Key); palewise, wards to chief (Ancient Key, Key) |
Lamp: | Flames to chief (Lamp); hanging from chieft (Hanging Lamp); spout to dexter (Arabian Lamp) |
Lantern: | Upright |
Money Box: | Foot to base |
Orb: | Cross to chief |
Padlock: | Upright |
Pavon: | Pole upright |
Phial: | Opening to chief |
Razor: | Palewise, cutting to dexter |
Rod: | Palewise |
Scepter: | Palewise |
Shackle: | Fesswise |
Sledge: | Facing dexter |
Smoking Pipe: | Fesswise |
Staff: | Palewise (Two Ragged Staffs, Two Ragged Staffs in Saltire, Ragged Staff); palewise, point to base (Pilgrim's Staff); point to chief (Staff Topped by a Fleur-de-Lys, Staff Topped by a Trefoil) |
Strongbox: | Trian aspect, lid to chief |
Torch: | Palewise, flame to chief |
Water-Bouget: | Sacks to base |
Wheel: | In annulo (Chief Quarter of a Wheel, Dexter Half of a Wheel, Wheel Irradiated, Wheel with A Broken Rim, Two Wheels Conjoined by an Axle, Rimless Wheel, Wheel); upright (Wheel of Fortune) |