27 Entries • Display: Details | Items
Linden Leaf Issuant from a Ragged Staff §
A hardwood tree found throughout much of Europe, also called the Lime or Basswood tree.
Default alignment: stem to base. Proper coloration: green leaves, brown trunk.
Source: Cod. Sang. 543. Artist: Kaspar Härtli. (Folio 1r.)
Ragged Staff (1) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.
Ragged Staff (2) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: English Heraldry. Artist: R. B. Utting.
Ragged Staff (3) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist: Unknown. (From the arms of Liechtenburg.)
Ragged Staff (4) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (From page 273.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Ragged Staff (5) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Ragged Staff (6) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Some Feudal Lords and Their Seals. Artist unknown.
Ragged Staff (7) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Schlesisches Wappenbuch. Artist unknown. (Page 129.)
Ragged Staff (8) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Donaueschinger Wappenbuch. Artist unknown. (Folio 31r.)
Ragged Staff (9) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Donaueschinger Wappenbuch. Artist unknown. (Folio 31r.)
Ragged Staff (10) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: BnF MS Allemand 304. Artist unknown. (Page 224v.)
Ragged Staff (11) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller. Adapted by Finellach.
Ragged Staff (12) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller.
Two Ragged Staffs §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Stammbaum Kaiser Karls IV. Artist unknown. (Folio 68r.)
Two Ragged Staffs in Saltire (1) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Donaueschinger Wappenbuch. Artist unknown. (Folio 31r.)
Two Ragged Staffs in Saltire (2) §
A tree branch with side limbs lopped off.
Default alignment: palewise. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Stammbaum Kaiser Karls IV. Artist unknown. (Folio 68r.)
Hooded Man Maintaining a Bowl and Staff §
A human man.
Default posture: statant affronty. Proper coloration: only if skin tone is blazoned, sable hair.
Source: Zurich Roll. Artist unknown.
Churning Staff (1) §
A perforated disk with a long handle used to churn dairy products.
Default orientation: found in period with handle to base. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Austrian State Archives. (Crest of von Sonnberg, 1591.) Artist unknown. Adapted by Iago ab Adam.
Churning Staff (2) §
A perforated disk with a long handle used to churn dairy products.
Default orientation: found in period with handle to base. Proper coloration: brown wood.
Source: Austrian State Archives. (Crest of von Sonnberg, 1591.) Artist unknown. Adapted by Saewynn aet Cnolle.
Jacob's Staff (1) §
A tool used by surveyers and astronomers to measure angles to distant objects.
Found in the original arms of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers.
Adapted from John Sellers's Practical Navigation (1672).
Jacob's Staff (2) §
A tool for measuring angles used by surveyers, engineers, astronomers, and navigators.
No default orientation. No proper coloration.
Source: The Armes of All the Cheife Corporatons. Artist unknown. (Arms of the Company of Plumbers.)
Pilgrim's Staff (1) §
A walking stick with an attached hook.
Default orientation: palewise, point to base. No proper coloration.
Source: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry. Artist: James or Irene Parker.
Pilgrim's Staff (2) §
A walking stick with an attached hook.
Default orientation: palewise, point to base. No proper coloration.
Source: English Heraldry. Artist: R. B. Utting.
Pilgrim's Staff (3) §
A walking stick, often drawn with an attached hook to support a bag.
Default orientation: palewise, point to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Insignia Florentinorum. Artist unknown. (Arms of Bordoni, page 36.)
Staff Topped by a Fleur-de-Lys §
A staff capped with a fleur de lys. Blazoned a “Lilienstab” in German, or a “bâton fleurdelisé” in French.
Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.
Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist: Unknown. (From the arms of Ramstein.)
Staff Topped by a Trefoil §
A staff capped with a three-leafed clover.
Default orientation: point to chief. No proper coloration.
Source: Scheibler Armorial. Artist: Unknown. (From the arms of von Freßach.)
Wreathed Staff §
A pole wrapped in two contrasting bands of cloth. Blazoned “a staff wreathed tincture and tincture.”
May be positioned as an ordinary and blazoned “a fess wreathed tincture and tincture,”
or “a pale wreathed…,” “a bend wreathed…,” etc.