9 Entries • Display: Contents | Items • Item Shape: Device | Badge | Lozenge | Round
The following images were illustrated by this artist.
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Source: Book of Traceable Heraldic Art
- Bordure Indented (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF; Lozenge PNG, SVG; Round PNG, SVG) A.46
Source: Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen
- Hammer (10) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.67
- Lantern (6) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 22.129
- Soldering Iron, Tinsmith's (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.122
- Tongs, Tinsmith's (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.137
Source: Insignia Nobilium Urbis Romae
Source: Insignia Venetorum Nobilium II
Source: Pennsic Traceable Art
- Horns, Three Drinking, Fretted (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 14.96
Source: Stemmario Trivulziano