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Subtitle: of England wt. the companees of London described by letters for ther seuerall collores Published by Benjamin Wright in London in 1596. Archived at https://luna.folger.edu/luna/servlet/detail/ FOLGERCM1~6~6~793017~150630:The-armes-of-all-the-cheife- corpora
Artist: Iago ab Adam
Artist: Unknown Illustrator
- Axe, Chipping (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.29
- Billet of Iron (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.40
- Costrel, Leather (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 14.49
- Float (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.53
- Jacob's Staff (2) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.73
- Madder, Bag of (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 19.88
- Mantle (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 15.146
- Shave, Currier’s (1) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.118
- Shave, Currier’s (2) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.119
- Strike (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 16.132
- Wool-Pack (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 19.169