7 Entries • Display: Details | Items
Fork Terminating in a Spoon §
A pronged utensil for eating food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Met Museum. (Adapted from a third-century Roman serving utensil, accession number: 2006.514.3.)
Spoon (1) §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist unknown.
Spoon (2) §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.
Spoon (3) §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Opera Dell'arte Del Cucinare. Artist unknown. (Page 966.)
Spoon (4) §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Two Tudor Books of Arms. Artist: Robert Cooke. (Page 77.)
Spoon (5) §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (Page 82.)
Three Spoons Hanging from a Rail §
A utensil for eating or stirring food.
Default orientation: palewise, handle to base. No proper coloration.
Source: St. Gallen Armorial. Artist unknown. (Page 323, arms of von Hoffen.)