Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


An aquatic hybrid monster formed by crossing the body of a man with the tail of a fish.

Default posture: erect affronty.

Merman, or Triton (1) §

Proper coloration: tail green; human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Heraldic Templates. Artist: Torric inn Björn.

Merman, or Triton (2) §

Proper coloration: tail green; human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Pennsic Traceable Art. Artist: Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon (attributed).

Merman, or Triton (3) §

Proper coloration: tail green;

human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Ortus Sanitatis. Artist unknown.

Merman, or Triton (4) §

Proper coloration: tail green;

human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Le Blason Des Armoiries. Artist: Jérôme de Bara. (Page 162.)

Merman Armored §

Proper coloration: tail green; human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: The Deidis of Armorie. Artist: Adam Loutfut. (The "Chevaillier of Sey.") Adapted by Saewynn aet Cnolle.

Merman Issuant from the Ocean Grasping a Mast §


Proper coloration: tail green; human portion only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Survey of London Monograph 16. Artist unknown. (Page 62, arms of Heard.)