Book Of Traceable Heraldic Art


See also: Hyena in Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry.

Hyena Statant (1) §

A nocturnal carnivore, with a mix of feline and canine characteristics, and a reputation as a scavager.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Rochester Bestiary. Artist unknown.

Hyena Statant (2) §

A nocturnal carnivore, with a mix of feline and canine characteristics, and a reputation as a scavager.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Maragheh Bestiary. (Morgan MS M.500. Folio 20v.) Artist unknown. Adapted by Máel Brigte.

Hyena's Head Couped §

A nocturnal carnivore, with a mix of feline and canine characteristics, and a reputation as a scavager.

No default posture. No proper coloration.

Source: Buch der Natur. Artist: Johann Schönsperger. Adapted by Máel Brigte.

Hyena-Headed Man With One Foot on a Barrel §

A human man.

Default posture: dexter leg, foot to base.

Proper coloration: only if skin tone is blazoned.

Source: Pennsic 50 Art Tent. Artist: Li Xia.