14 Entries • Display: Contents | Items
The following images were illustrated by this artist.
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Source: Book of Traceable Heraldic Art
- Bear's Head Erased (5) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 12.93
- Boar's Head Erased (5) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 12.155
- Caravel with Sails Set (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 20.15
- Compartment, Grassy (1) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) E.6
- Crocodile Rampant (1) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 10.27
- Dragon (5) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 10.38
- Dragon Sejant Affronty (2) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 10.66
- Hedgehog Sejant Erect (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 12.500
- Lyre (4) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 18.123
- Lyre (5) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 18.124
- Lyre (6) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 18.125
- Lyre (7) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 18.126
- Raven Striking (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 11.315
- Wyvern (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 10.184