75 Entries • Display: Details | Items • Item Shape: Device | Badge | Lozenge | Round | Heart
Bend (1) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This is a wider bend, suitable for bearing a charge.
Bend (2) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This is a mid-sized bend.
Bend (3) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This is a thin bend.
Bend (4) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This type of very-narrow bend is most-often seen as an overall cadency mark.
Source: Commonplace Book of Heraldry. (Folio 29r.) Artist: Jean Faucket. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend (5) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This type of very-narrow bend is most-often seen as an overall cadency mark.
Source: Le Grand Armorial Équestre de la Toison d'Or. Artist unknown.
Bend Chevronelly §
Central ordinary. Two contrasting tinctures.
Source: Insignia Pontificum Romanorum et Cardinalium I. Artist unknown. (Folio 171r.)
Bend Compony (3) §
Central ordinary.
This is a very thin bend, as might be used overall for a cadency mark.
Source: Commonplace Book of Heraldry. (Folio 29v.) Artist: Jean Faucket. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Cotised (2) §
Central ordinary with secondaries.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Cotised Engrailed On The Outer Edge §
Central ordinary with secondaries.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Double Cotised Interiors Potent Counter-potent §
Central ordinary.
Source: Sammelband Mehrerer Wappenbücher. Artist unknown. (Arms of the Counts of Champagne.)
Bend Embattled Counter-embattled (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Wapenboek van Gent. Artist: Vander Schelden. (Volume 1, page 152.)
Bend Embattled Grady §
Central ordinary.
Source: Society of Antiquaries MS 644 Vol IX. Artist unknown.
Bend Engrailed (1) §
Central ordinary.
Artist: Elionora inghean Ui Cheallaigh. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Fimbriated (1) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Armorial Français et Plus Particulièrement Poitevin. Artist unknown. (Folio 38r.)
Bend Fusilly (1) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Insignia Nobilium Veronensium, Vicentinorum. Artist unknown. (From the arms of Ulmarana, folio 111.)
Bend Fusilly (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Armorial de Gelre. Artist: Claes Heinenzoon. (Page 221.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Fusilly (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: BnF MS Fr 5240. Artist unknown. (Folio 18r.) Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Fusilly (4) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft. Artist: Vigil Raber. (Page 837.)
Bend Invected §
Central ordinary.
Artist: Elionora inghean Ui Cheallaigh. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Raguly (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Ehrenspiegel des Hauses Österreich. Artist unknown. (Page 579. Adapted from a saltire raguly.)
Bend Raguly (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Rayonny §
Central ordinary.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Wavy (2) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.
Bend Wavy (3) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Fenwick Roll. Artist unknown. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Wavy (5) §
Central ordinary.
Source: Sammelband Mehrerer Wappenbücher. Artist unknown. (Folio 18v.)
Bend Wavy Singly Cotised §
Central ordinary.
Source: Sammelband Mehrerer Wappenbücher. Artist unknown. (Folio 18v.)
Bend Sinister (1) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This is a wider bend, suitable for bearing a charge.
Bend Sinister (2) §
Central ordinary. The width may be a third of the width of the device or a bit narrower.
This is a thinner bend.
Bend Sinister Engrailed §
Central ordinary.
Artist: Elionora inghean Ui Cheallaigh. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend Sinister Invected §
Central ordinary.
Artist: Elionora inghean Ui Cheallaigh. Adapted by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.
Bend of Annulets Interlaced §
Annulets interlaced as in chain mail and arranged as an ordinary.
The October 1991 Cover Letter noted that ordinaries of mail would not be registered without documentation of period use.
Source: Le second volume de la premiere partye du blason d'armoiries. Artist unknown. (Folio 165r.)
Bend Engouled by Dragons §
A mythical fire-breathing lizard.
Default posture: segreant (rampant wings addorsed). No proper coloration.
Source: WappenWiki. Artist: Joakim Spuller. (Arms of Andrade.)
Bend Sinister Engouled by Lions §
A fierce cat known as the King of Beasts.
Default posture: rampant. Proper coloration: Or.
Source: Insignia Venetorum Nobilium II. Artist unknown. (Arms of Cogion, page 110.) Adapted by Owen Tegg.
Bend Engouled by Wolves §
A wild canid.
No default posture. No proper coloration.
Seen in Iberian armory.
Source: Viking Answer Lady SVG Images For Heralds. Artist: Gunnvôr silfrahárr.
Bend Fimbriated and Engouled by Wolves §
A wild canid.
No default posture.
No proper coloration.
Seen in Iberian armory.
Source: Livro do Armeiro-Mor. Artist: Jean Du Cros. (Arms of Freires de Andrade, folio 55r.)
Bend Transfixed by Three Closing Nails §
A glaziers nail.
Default alignment: palewise, point to base. No proper coloration.
Source: Zrdcadlo Slavného Margrabstwii Morawského. Artist unknown.
Bend of Chain §
An ordinary formed of chain links.
Source: Nobleza del Andaluzia. Artist unknown. (Arms of Maneses, folio 38r.)