12 Entries • Display: Contents | Items • Item Shape: Device | Badge
The following images were illustrated by this artist.
(See the Terms of Use page for additional information and terms of use.)
Source: Wapenboek van Gent
- Bars Enarched, Three (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF) 4.11
- Bars Gemel, 3 (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF) 4.16
- Bend Embattled Counter-embattled (2) (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF) 4.73
- Bow (8) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 21.56
- Buckle (15) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 15.37
- Chevronels, 4 (2) (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF) 4.251
- Eagle (23) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 11.114
- Ermine Spot (49) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 5.248
- Firewood, Bundle of (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 7.139
- Gyronny of 14 (PDF, PNG; Device PNG, SVG, PDF; Badge PNG, SVG, PDF) 3.363
- Scythe (4) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 19.127
- Tower (33) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 17.214