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Subtitle: Including Boutell's Heraldry. Published by S.T. Aveling in 1890. Illustrator unknown. Archived at https://archive.org/details/heraldryancientm00boutrich
Artist: Unknown Illustrator
- Feather (4) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 11.170
- Knot, Heneage (2) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 5.300
- Lion Statant (4) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG) 12.643
- Panache (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 11.241
- Wheat, Sheaf of (3) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 7.586
- Wheat, Stalk of (2) (PDF, PNG; Charge PNG, SVG, PDF) 7.582