Book of Traceable Heraldic Art – Jan 31, 2025
Terms of use and digital files at
Add Your Art to This Book
If you are an armory illustrator, or a "herald painter" as folks would
have said in period, and you're willing to share your images with the
SCA community, I would welcome your contribution to this
collection. You can send me images you’ve already created, or
identify something I’m missing and draw something new to share.
Illustrations should be drawn with a solid outline, and not filled or
excessively shaded, so that they may be easily traced and colored in
whichever tinctures a client selects — just as you would draw them
for the black-and-white outline version of an SCA heraldic
I'm including multiple styles for common charges, representing
different regional traditions, varying historical periods, and assorted
illustration styles, so if there's already a lion rampant in the collection
that doesn't mean you can't send me another.
Formats and Addresses
You can send me your art in whichever way is most convenient to
you, and I'll do our best to convert it as necessary.
Illustrations may be uploaded to my web site at
If you have vector files, you can send those in any standard format
(PDF, EPS, SVG), or I can accept bitmapped drawings or scanned
images (PNG, TIFF, GIF, JPEG) as long as the resolution is sufficient
to preserve the details.
Alternately, you can mail paper copies to me for scanning, care of
Traceable Heraldic Art, 219 W 106th St #1E, New York, NY 10025.
However you send your art, make sure you include your email
address so I can follow up with you, and either your society name or
your modern name (or both) so I can give you proper credit.
Licensing & Copyright
Any images you contribute remain yours, but by submitting them you
grant me an license to adapt and distribute them for heraldic and
artistic use within the Society for Creative Anachronism.
In order to ensure that people who use this collection to create their
device or badge can do so with a minimum of complication, I'm only
including images which members of the SCA community can
combine with other elements to create their own armory, without
requesting special permission, paying a fee, or providing attribution
every time they paint their device on their shield or display a banner.
Our standard license for contributions is the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license,
with an additional grant that no attribution is required for heraldic or
artistic use by members of the SCA community. These terms will be
used for any art you contribute without specifying another license.
If you want to ensure that your art is not used by a business you can
opt for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license, with the
same grant of non-attribution within the SCA community. This
indicates that a business may not use your art as part of their logo or
signage, and may not sell products that incorporate your design,
unless they first contact you to negotiate special permission.
Alternately, if you’re willing to make your art freely available to
anyone with no restrictions at all, you may place it in the public
domain. I will still credit you as the creator of the image, but then
anyone will be able to copy, modify, and redistribute your illustration
in any way they’d like.
If you are not comfortable with these license terms, or you have
questions about what they mean, please contact me before submitting
your images to make sure I understand your requirements.